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Sett çabucak kitelanabilir ve counterlanabilir yakın dövüştüğü sürece çoğu match up kaybetmez bundan dolayı ayak hakimiyetinize dikkat etmeniz ve bolca yumruk kombosu yapmanız gerekir örneğin yakın dövüşçü bir match up karşı oynuyorsanız önce rakibe iki adet auto attack E ve sersemledikten hemen sonra Q yeteneğinizi kullanıp rakibinize çok güçlü bir şekilde hasar takası yapabilirsiniz. Fakat karşınızda bir nişancı karakter varsa biraz patronluğunuzu bırakıp assistanlarınıza görevi yükleyebilirsiniz bu durumda karşıdaki oyunculara karşı temkinli oynamalı ve olabildiğince az takas yapmaya çalışın ayağı çabuk rününü girip minyona vurduktan sonra rakibin üstüne q yeteneği ile koşup sersemletin ardından arkanızdaki jungle premade size yardım edecektir eğer bir premade yoksa 6 seviye olmayı bekleyebilirsiniz spell olarak ghost gireceğiniz için adamın üstüne rahatlıkla koşup ona stun atıp kesebilirsiniz. Sett'in animasyon iptallerini yapmayı unutmayın Sett 2 auto attacktan sonra Q basarsanız vurma animasyonundan hemen sonra elinizden Q yeteneği çıkarmanıza olanak tanıyacaktır ve ayrıca W yükünüz tam dolduğunda rakibinizin öleceğini biliyorsanız W + Flash kombosunu yapabilirsiniz fakat uyarı! Bu comboyu yaparken dikkat etmeniz gereken tek unsur W yeteneğinin patlama animasyonudur patlamaya yakın basarsanız rakibiniz buna tepki veremeyecektir fakat erken basarsanız sıçra atabilecektir buna dikkat edebilirsiniz. Bir başka konu daha Sett ile takım savaşı başlatırken daima tank karakterlere ulti atın bu onların ilave canını onlara extra hasar verecek demektir iyi bir takım savaşında olmazsa olmaz kitle kontrolüdür yere vurduğunuzdan hemen sonra rakipleriniz arasına geçerek onları bir güzel E yeteneğiniz ile sersemletin ve W yükünüz dolduğunda W yeteneğinizi kullanın ve bundan sonra takımınız gerekeni yapacaktır işte hepsi bu kadar kafa kırmak her zaman FablSett ile çok kolay!
Sett can be quickly kited and countered, but as long as he’s in melee range, he rarely loses most matchups. That’s why it’s crucial to focus on footwork and use punch combos frequently. For example, when playing against a melee champion, start by hitting them with two auto-attacks, then use E to stun them, followed by Q to deal a strong damage trade.
However, if you’re facing a ranged champion, you may need to let your teammates take the lead. In this case, play more cautiously and try to minimize trades. Using the Fleet Footwork rune, hit a minion, then rush at your opponent with Q, stun them, and let your jungle premade assist you. If there’s no premade, wait until level 6. With Ghost as your summoner spell, you can easily chase down the enemy, stun them, and secure the kill.
Don’t forget to use Sett’s animation cancels. After two auto-attacks, if you press Q, you’ll be able to cancel the attack animation and quickly unleash your Q ability. Additionally, if your W is fully charged and you know your opponent is about to die, you can perform the W + Flash combo. Warning! When doing this combo, the key is to time it with the W explosion animation. If you time it correctly, the enemy won’t be able to react, but if you cast it too early, they might use Flash to escape.
Another important tip is to always ult tanky champions in team fights. This will deal extra damage based on their bonus health. Crowd control is essential in a good team fight. After slamming your target into the ground, move into the enemy group and use your E to stun them. Once your W is fully charged, use it, and your team will take care of the rest. That’s all it takes—cracking skulls is always easy with FablSett!
Sett can be quickly kited and countered, but as long as he’s in melee range, he rarely loses most matchups. That’s why it’s crucial to focus on footwork and use punch combos frequently. For example, when playing against a melee champion, start by hitting them with two auto-attacks, then use E to stun them, followed by Q to deal a strong damage trade.
However, if you’re facing a ranged champion, you may need to let your teammates take the lead. In this case, play more cautiously and try to minimize trades. Using the Fleet Footwork rune, hit a minion, then rush at your opponent with Q, stun them, and let your jungle premade assist you. If there’s no premade, wait until level 6. With Ghost as your summoner spell, you can easily chase down the enemy, stun them, and secure the kill.
Don’t forget to use Sett’s animation cancels. After two auto-attacks, if you press Q, you’ll be able to cancel the attack animation and quickly unleash your Q ability. Additionally, if your W is fully charged and you know your opponent is about to die, you can perform the W + Flash combo. Warning! When doing this combo, the key is to time it with the W explosion animation. If you time it correctly, the enemy won’t be able to react, but if you cast it too early, they might use Flash to escape.
Another important tip is to always ult tanky champions in team fights. This will deal extra damage based on their bonus health. Crowd control is essential in a good team fight. After slamming your target into the ground, move into the enemy group and use your E to stun them. Once your W is fully charged, use it, and your team will take care of the rest. That’s all it takes—cracking skulls is always easy with FablSett!
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