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LeBlanc Build Guide by CloseRange

Fast Cast LeBlanc

Fast Cast LeBlanc

Updated on August 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CloseRange Build Guide By CloseRange 3,538 Views 0 Comments
3,538 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CloseRange LeBlanc Build Guide By CloseRange Updated on August 16, 2013
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LeBlanc is an amazing champion if used correctly, she has amazing burst and mobility, she does however have long cool downs and other flaws. My build is to help fix the flaws while balancing her ups. This build was created by me, after a long time of playing LeBlanc I finally came up with a good build, and now I am sharing it with all of you.
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Mirror Image

LeBlanc's Passive, Mirror Image is a great spell for tricking your enemies, when going below 40% health you may create a clone of your self and it is great to fool people. To control your clone just "Ctrl, Right-Click". If your low health with your clone out, try moving her into battle, and while they are focused on your clone take them down with LeBlanc's AMAZING burst.
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Sigil of Silence

Sigil of Silence is a ranged spell that does little damage unless used correctly, this spell should be used right before engaging as long as you have the time, it does a bit of damage on impact but it deals double damage if you use a spell right after it.
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I set Distortion to be built right away because with all the CD on my build this spells cool down is reduced to about 6 seconds just on the first two items, with that in mind, this spell is a great, chase, escape, and burst. This is the one spell that should be used as much as possible your target.
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Ethereal Chains

Ethereal Chains is used to control your target, if your targets are stupid enough to turret dive a LeBlanc just before they go in use Ethereal Chains and if the do continue to follow you they will be stopped just enough for you to burst them for the kill with the help of your turret. This spell is also good to help chase down a target, it will work with your Distortion so you can either use W then E to get close enough to stop them or E then W if they have a speed advantage over you.
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Never be afraid to use Mimic for it has a short cool down. I do recommend using W then R for that extra burst. The best combo for LeBlanc, in my best opinion, would have to be Q E W R. My resigning for this is odious if you read my description for the rest of the spells.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CloseRange
CloseRange LeBlanc Guide
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Fast Cast LeBlanc

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