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Twisted Fate Build Guide by ogod x poseidon

Assassin Fastest shot in the south!

Assassin Fastest shot in the south!

Updated on May 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ogod x poseidon Build Guide By ogod x poseidon 1,101 Views 0 Comments
1,101 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ogod x poseidon Twisted Fate Build Guide By ogod x poseidon Updated on May 12, 2013
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Tips & Tricks

The main thing about this build is that you'll be able to unleash a fury of attacks in the fastest way possible. This build is great for ganking with destiny and making a quick escape since you can get a lot of hits in, in a short amount of time! And its also great for poking early on! Just don't try and take on a character like Teemo or Alistar you'll do great :D!
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Easy Ganking

When playing Twist locked cam will get you no where. with destiny's passive being that you could see any and all enemy characters take advantage of that to scope out who has the lowest health then use its active to telleport while having a gold card and stacked deck ready some call it ks but it makes no difference if you win!
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Hope you like my guide its my first one ill try and make better ones in the

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League of Legends Build Guide Author ogod x poseidon
ogod x poseidon Twisted Fate Guide
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Fastest shot in the south!

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