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Jungle Full AD Annie jungle (really works)

Jungle Full AD Annie jungle (really works)

Updated on February 19, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DENISETHEDESTROYER Build Guide By DENISETHEDESTROYER 11 10 45,210 Views 2 Comments
11 10 45,210 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DENISETHEDESTROYER Annie Build Guide By DENISETHEDESTROYER Updated on February 19, 2018
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so many of you are wondering why jungle Annie? and the answer to that is why not jungle Annie?
if you follow this guide not only will you succeed but you will dominate as Annie heck take this into rank and surprise the enemy team they wont even see it coming.
Annie has so much to offer in the jg, if you are new to the game and you want to try out jungle but don't want to play any complicated of the complex jungles out there Annie is your best best she brings burst for camps, stuns for ganks, and more burst for more jungle camps, and lets be honest isn't that what we all deep down inside really want in a jangler.
now when you are playing Annie jungle, you are not playing Annie mid. you are the not the dark child anymore you are the jungle child now your job is to farm and attack nothing risky though only gank when you have your stun up especially at level 3 and 6 at level 6 find a good lane and gank and let Tibbers do the work after the gank take him back in the jungle and farm up until he is dead and rinse and repeat
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Before you can play Annie jungle, you must play Annie jungle.

so what does that mean? well, your team will see you picked Annie jungle and one of two things will happen either A someone doges or B someone bans her in champion select before you can pick her jungle so what do you do if this happens if your in ranked there is no way in heck someone will even let your mouse hover over Annie as jungle especially if you are are in low gold to high diamond they will ban Annie is 1/2 of a heartbeat so here is what you do tell your team "hey guys i cant wait to play jungle today, hmmm i think i will start with a jangler who's name starts with an A" and then pre-pick someone like Amumu and when its time to lock in quickly pick Annie. simple.
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alright so you want to go with critical chance you want mainly cit chance and crit dmg without those two things you will lose you also need some armor for tankines and some mana and a lot of it.
you revolve around crit and without it you will lose.
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Creeping / Jungling

start with the birds first and then work your way from there get the buffs last focus your time on just collecting as much gold as you can never miss an opportunity, if your laner backs for an item or health go to their lane and farm up you want to be in the jungle constantly even up to mid game so keep that in mind.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DENISETHEDESTROYER
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Full AD Annie jungle (really works)

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