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Galio Build Guide by 3lites

Galio - Gargoyle Style

Galio - Gargoyle Style

Updated on November 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 3lites Build Guide By 3lites 2,165 Views 0 Comments
2,165 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 3lites Galio Build Guide By 3lites Updated on November 23, 2011
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This is a pretty simple Galio build that lets you carry and tank hard. Galio is the man because while you are crushing the spirits of the other team, your helping your team get lots of free kills while the enemy team is taunted and attacking you - Gargoyle Style.
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These runes make Galio start out as a BOSS. Especially effective against a mage he will make them look silly. Takes advantage of passive turning his magic resist into ability power. I like to split my magic resist glyphs having 3 flat for the early levels, and the rest scaling seems to be a really good fit for Galio.
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These masteries give Galio the ability to do tons of damage, make those skill shots count. Also makes him real tanky, throw that shield on and wow jump right in.
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Well start with the Meki Pedant so you can harass and farm effectively in the beginning. Turn that into the Chalice of Harmony which is the perfect item for Galio making him a force to recon with early. Then Merc Treads as your next item give him extra speed on top of his Righteous Gust. Banshees veil gives you health and more MR (damage) also helping make sure your ultimate doesn't get interrupted. FON and Thornmail turn you into a monster...

For your last item, it really depends how the game is going. The abyssal will let you do a lot more damage, but you may need to go tankier with a Guardian Angel, Warmogs, or even a Rylais for that added health.
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Skill Sequence

Pretty basic, you can upgrade Bulwark earlier if you aren't really doing any damage, and are more of a support Galio. The shield gives a lot of armor and magic resist. However, resolute smite is Galio's bread and butter, doing good AOE damage and slowing the enemy. Always max resolute smite first.
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Summoner Spells

Taking flash is the most important, to get into good positioning for your Ultimate. Otherwise, ignite is useful in solo lanes, but can be interchanged with teleport of even clairvoyance. You don't need clarity, don't be a badlio.
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It is best to have Galio in a solo lane because he can farm so well and really hold is own. Because he has a slow, a kill to increase his speed, and a shield it also is really hard to gank a good Galio. In the first few levels you should be able to last hit the minions with your physical attack, using Resolute Smite to keep your opponent in check and occasionally finish off some far away minions. Do your best to farm up for Chalice of Harmony. I like to get a couple of mana potions everytime I go back so I can really start spamming my spells and doing some real damage.

Once you hit 6 your in a pretty good position to get a kill. Harass with your Q and E until they are pretty low, get close to them and use your ultimate. While they're taunted you can target your Resolute Smite (Q) right on top of them to finish them off. Tag them with Ignite if you need some extra damage and it is usually a pretty easy kill.

At this point farming becomes pretty easy, landing both your spells on a creep wave will take them out and your tough enough not to be bothered by any pesky casters. Farm on, help your teammates out with your beautiful ultimate, and play smart.
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Overall, use your shield to protect your carry's, it also gives you health so that's added incentive to protect who's being focused. If you can't land your ultimate then don't play Galio. You need to try and get as many of the other team in the radius before using the skill. Otherwise, use it to protect your carries or kill their's!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 3lites
3lites Galio Guide
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Galio - Gargoyle Style

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