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Galio Build Guide by Glormran

galio- solo top

galio- solo top

Updated on December 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glormran Build Guide By Glormran 4,472 Views 0 Comments
4,472 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Glormran Galio Build Guide By Glormran Updated on December 7, 2011
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Build Galio for a solo top in 5s. THIS IS NOT A BUILD FOR FIRST TIME GALIOS. O and a good jungler always helps. If your jungler never ganks top you should beat him/her with an ugly stick and then a needlessly large rod. Remember you are a initiator. Thats why you get Flash. Flash ult.
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I have magic pen reds, no explanation needed. I have mana regen per level because by lvl 5 the regen out does flat regen seals. Then I have flat magic resist for glyphs to help out passive. Finally AP quinces to have a good early game up top.
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My masteries are what you would expect making sure to grab magic resist in defense and mana regen in utility.
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This is the problem with galio. The Items you buy are situational. If there is a lot of ap I would get a force. I start with a shield because it helps keep me in lane longer. If there is not a lot of ad or I figure and AP is goin top I get a ring instead. The next Item must be a chalice be a good farmer. I play aggressive and generally get first blood or at least first kill on top. Then Build like a support tank. Aegis of the Legion is nice. Then everything else is situational but I would recommend a Guardian. I like aegis and guardian because they give you armor and magic resist. My favorite Item is a Abyssal Scepter, because of its aura ap and magic resist all in one item. Everything else is up to you it really depends on the situation. Thorn is not bad either.
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Comments plz

This is my first guide please leave comments. I am always looking for ways to get better. If you leave you suck that doesn't tell me anything. If this build sucks tell me why. Same thing in reverse.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glormran
Glormran Galio Guide
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galio- solo top

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