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Neeko Build Guide by Glasletter

Support Glasletter's guide to Neeko Support (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Support Glasletter's guide to Neeko Support (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Updated on December 30, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glasletter Build Guide By Glasletter 21 0 31,770 Views 0 Comments
21 0 31,770 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Glasletter Neeko Build Guide By Glasletter Updated on December 30, 2018
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Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

Glasletter's guide to Neeko Support (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

By Glasletter
"Neeko is not a sad tomato, she is a STRONG tomato!"

Welcome to Neeko, the sassy, not Neeko, chameleon with multiple personality disorder that sounds like the female version of that annoying 12 year old kid gamer raging on his xbox, but somehow not annoying!

But seriously though, Neeko is a burst mage somewhat similar to many champions but unique in so many ways, and in that sense I'd compare her to Kai'sa; most builds, roles or players can work with them and enjoy themselves, even if it's not "meta", and her entire kit is engaging regardless of where or how you choose to play her.

So lets get into it, shall we?
First off; why Support?
So you've seen Neeko Mid, you've seen Neeko Jungle, so why on earth would you ever take her support?

Well, I'll start off by saying it makes me cringe whenever I see a Neeko in the jungle. Sure, she has a decent, fairly healthy clear. Sure, she can be tricky about who she is as she ganks a lane. Yeah, she can even still do decent damage and 1v1 many junglers. So why, you may ask, do I despise it so?

It's simple, really; Neeko brings nothing to the jungle that she does not do better in a lane. As a Jungler, if Neeko does not land her root when ganking a lane, she does next to nothing. Her root also only does it's extended duration after traveling through 2+ units, usually minions. Seeing as how you generally gank from the sides or behind your enemy laner, this is fairly counter-intuitive.

As to why I wouldn't play her mid, it's simple; I do, I just like playing her support as well!
Pros / Cons

+ Strong root
+ Abilities like more minions~!
+ Ultimate is a good engage/counter engage
+ Lots of damage!
+ Clones can block many important enemy abilities
+ Tons of outplay potential
+ Mobility attached to invisibility and vision
+ Flexible build path
+ Very 'colorful' character
Neeko is absolutely a joy to play and destructively powerful in the right hands. With the right builds, a bit of trickery and some decent outplays you can land team-wide stuns, 1v1 nearly any non-tank champion and you can use any skin in the game!


- Easy to steal CS
- Squishy
- Ultimate has windup time
- Takes lots of practice
- Mobility is negated any CC
- Difficult to coordinate engage
- Clone block timing is difficult
- She would never date me :'(
Neeko can easily find herself caught out overextended in the middle of an entire team after you Ult+Protobelt+Flash with no warning, so much more communication is needed for an engage than, say, a Thresh or Blitz hook. She can also be bursted down by champions like Kha'zix or Evelynn if you don't have decent vision, even before you finish your ult.
Summoner Spells
Bringing it all together: Gameplay
In Conclusion
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glasletter
Glasletter Neeko Guide
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Glasletter's guide to Neeko Support (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

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