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Gragas Build Guide by Skorpiion

Gragas - Chug Chug!

Gragas - Chug Chug!

Updated on December 17, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skorpiion Build Guide By Skorpiion 3,460 Views 0 Comments
3,460 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skorpiion Gragas Build Guide By Skorpiion Updated on December 17, 2011
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Let's get right to it. I'm new here on Mobafire and this is going to be my first build/guide.
So i started playing Gragas wehn i was bored and decided to try him when he was free. My first thoughts were "He's Fat" obviously but then i played into the game ad saw he's a very strong champion that contributes to a team greatly. I picked him up in the store finally and this tubby monster became my main shortly after. ALright then onto the guide
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For Gragas theres may viable ways that i've seen to make his masteries. I usually go the standard AP masteries: 9/0/21. masteries are completely to your prefference this is just what i prefer

In the Offensive Tree you should be taking:

Mental Force
Arcane Knowledge.

In the Utility Tree you should take Summoner insight and all the Mana/Mana Regen (in tier 1 and two of the tree) and the extra move speed. The extra buff time can help but i see this more viable on junglers.

I like to get Greed Maxed out simply because i don't feel he benefits from spell vamp or Extra buff time.

The rest of these masteries should be completely based on you, (from tier 4 down)
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Pros and Cons to Gragas.

Very Tanky.
Has very strong harrass
He's a Difficult champion to counter if played correctly
Great farmer.

Hard to master.
Skill shot heavy.
If you don't hit your ults, people will hate you.

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I take Flat mana Reds, AP Per level Blues, AP yellows and FLat AP quints.

I do this mainly to keep Gragas's Damage maxed through out the game which to me is very important for harassment early on and for nuking Later.
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Gragas is a very strong farmer. To farm with Gragas all you need to do is wait for the minions and when a nice big pile have stayed sober for too long, throw some Ale their way.

Now with Gragas it's very important to think about harassing with your barrels or using them to farm.
If you're against a push heave champ like Yorick, Mordekaiser, or Allistar, you may want to consider using them to farm because harassment won't do much because they'll have heals or sheilds. (that are stronger than most other's)

One thing about Gragas is that he's very dependant on Early game farm like most AP champs. so make sure you make the right choice to keep yur gold up!
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Barrels Barrels and More Barrles!

Gragas is a very unique champion and needs to be played correctly to be played succssesfully.

Alot of people struggle with hitting Gragas's Barrel toss, here are some tips.

1. Generally when someone sees a projectile coming their way (whether it's a lock on or not) they're going to run backwards. So judge their distance and throw the barrel behind them so you'll hit em right as they're on top of it.

2. Some more Skilled players will get used to this and start moving side to sided to avoid being hit, try running up a little as if your going to thrwo one so they run to a side and as they return throw the barrel to where the'rye going to be.
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To Sum Up My First Guide.

Gragas is not hard to play is SO MUCH FUN TO PLAY!

I hope you guys liked the guide and if i can ask you guys as to not be rude in the comments if it was bad or not please because it is my first guide, i'd appreciate some constructive critism (remember CONSTRUCTIVE.)

Thannks for Reading guys! have fun with Gragas!
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