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Ability Order
Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
Why him? Gragas is currently one of the most underrated champions, but also one of the best. His combination of being an awesome damage dealer, chaser, tanker, and enemy placement is the reasons of your guaranteed domination with this character if played right.
This build is will make you able to carry your team, and be the tide turner!
Be mercy towards me, it´s my first guide!
Talking bout the runes, you could also pick to go for full tanking ones, but i´ve chosen more of MP and AP since your still very strong earlygame, and don´t really benefit that much from that extra HP/armor.
Haven´t really tried out everything there, but you can test some yourself, almost anything should work pretty well :)
Haven´t really tried out everything there, but you can test some yourself, almost anything should work pretty well :)
My item choice depends on you being somehow good since the Mejai´s Soulstealer will help you keep that extra AP when you´r going for Warmog´s armor instead of an Archangel´s Staff. If you can keep yourself at 20stacks, got your Rylai´s Crystal Scepter,
and yourWarmog´s armor , your invincible.
You will be unstoppable and the kills will flow. Incase you will fail and can´t keep up the 20stacks, replace it with a or an .
By repeatingly spam your when it´s ready will make the damage done to you dramatically reduced.
If your team are failing hard, and doesn´t got a legit tank, replace the with a Rabadon´s Deathcap Banshee´s Veil or an .
You will be unstoppable and the kills will flow. Incase you will fail and can´t keep up the 20stacks, replace it with a or an .
By repeatingly spam your when it´s ready will make the damage done to you dramatically reduced.
If your team are failing hard, and doesn´t got a legit tank, replace the with a Rabadon´s Deathcap Banshee´s Veil or an .
(Q) This is the attack you want to max first! Cause it have awesome range and the faster u max it the more creeps and annyoing harrasses + eventually kills.
(E) Body slam, what more can you ask from a ability?? This is completly godlike in all the ways you can use it, chase, escape, farm and lasthit!
(W) With this you will be able to negate up to 18 percent of incoming damage! Use it ALWAYS before engaging.
(R) The use of this ability (Ultimate) seperates the good from the bad Gragas. The placement of this is very essential if you need that player to stop hunting you, you need to put it so the middle area of the placer-icon is in front of the chaser, else it will throw em infront of ya and give em a kill. An other thing to mention is that it scales 1:1 with your AP = Awesome!
(E) Body slam, what more can you ask from a ability?? This is completly godlike in all the ways you can use it, chase, escape, farm and lasthit!
(W) With this you will be able to negate up to 18 percent of incoming damage! Use it ALWAYS before engaging.
(R) The use of this ability (Ultimate) seperates the good from the bad Gragas. The placement of this is very essential if you need that player to stop hunting you, you need to put it so the middle area of the placer-icon is in front of the chaser, else it will throw em infront of ya and give em a kill. An other thing to mention is that it scales 1:1 with your AP = Awesome!
-Awesome engager, just throw your in there!
-Pro farmer (most minions)!
-Epic chaser (Ghost + , and you´ll catch anyone)
-Good killstealer :)
-Mega Pusher!
-Very good Regen (passive).
-Kinda item dependent.
-Slow as ****, before you get boots.
- can be used wrong, and help enemy-team.
-Hard master ulti.
-Early-game easy to oom.
-Weak to CC.
- easy to dodge.
-Awesome engager, just throw your in there!
-Pro farmer (most minions)!
-Epic chaser (Ghost + , and you´ll catch anyone)
-Good killstealer :)
-Mega Pusher!
-Very good Regen (passive).
-Kinda item dependent.
-Slow as ****, before you get boots.
- can be used wrong, and help enemy-team.
-Hard master ulti.
-Early-game easy to oom.
-Weak to CC.
- easy to dodge.
Ofc as always before doing anything related to "fight" press
to get your awesome fatty real drunk! Then if enemies approach, be sure to have your team ready, w8 until someone in their team takes a step too far, and PAOW! throw your
in there and the one guy who stepped one step too much is right in your team while the rest of the enemies were thrown backwards. Follow up with a quick
and your team got a guaranteed kill!
Level 1-12
This is what makes whole the rest of your game, just farm farm and farm some more! Picking up an easy kill here and there. But do not over-extend!
Level 12-16
You´re becoming stronger now! Help engaging fights for your team and prevent ganks by using your wherever there is space to! But don´t forget to farm!
Level 16-18
Now you should have full stack on Mejai´s Soulstealer and your Warmog´s Armor. It´s time to get some kills, and push towers. Spare no1!
This is what makes whole the rest of your game, just farm farm and farm some more! Picking up an easy kill here and there. But do not over-extend!
Level 12-16
You´re becoming stronger now! Help engaging fights for your team and prevent ganks by using your wherever there is space to! But don´t forget to farm!
Level 16-18
Now you should have full stack on Mejai´s Soulstealer and your Warmog´s Armor. It´s time to get some kills, and push towers. Spare no1!
Use your
to do conistant and nuking dmg to anyone in your path, if they run,
then another
and finish em.
Using your to fly through walls and cliffs is very effective both when chasing and escaping.
When farming make sure you got your ready to flee with if you can see it´s SS and MIA around the map, don´t rely on people saying SS, not everyone does!
At end game you should have ATLEAST 200-250 + minion kills, you are the one that should ward places around the map like and bushes around the middle lane.
Your second mission to complete at endgame is to hunt and either slow with or finish off those who escape from teamfights!
Thoe be aware of that you´r more a support then a killer, there is other players in your team that benefit more of kills then ya! Don´t be afraid to dive a tower or two so your team gets some easy kills.
Using your to fly through walls and cliffs is very effective both when chasing and escaping.
When farming make sure you got your ready to flee with if you can see it´s SS and MIA around the map, don´t rely on people saying SS, not everyone does!
At end game you should have ATLEAST 200-250 + minion kills, you are the one that should ward places around the map like and bushes around the middle lane.
Your second mission to complete at endgame is to hunt and either slow with or finish off those who escape from teamfights!
Thoe be aware of that you´r more a support then a killer, there is other players in your team that benefit more of kills then ya! Don´t be afraid to dive a tower or two so your team gets some easy kills.
Short enough, Gragas is one champ that everyone has to try! His amasing awesomeness will hopefully reach more people by this guide and i will meet more "Pro-grags" out there! Peepz sayin Gragas is "UP" don´t know nothing.
Remember, a champ ain´t better then you´re making him!
Since this is my first guide, i would love to have some constructive feedback!
Leave a comment with stuff to possibly improve and i´ll see what i can do!
Since im not from a english speaking country, there might be some grammatical faults here and there, but i hope you all can understand my point!
Remember, a champ ain´t better then you´re making him!
Since this is my first guide, i would love to have some constructive feedback!
Leave a comment with stuff to possibly improve and i´ll see what i can do!
Since im not from a english speaking country, there might be some grammatical faults here and there, but i hope you all can understand my point!
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