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Recommended Items
Ability Order
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
To Succeed with Graves
2.) Learn how to kite.
3.) Stay behind the team fight so you don't get focused.
4.) Don't lurk or overextend alone.
5.) Don't be greedy for kills. ( Teamwork wins you all the ranked games ).
6.) Have fun and Carry!
True Grit: Graves gains increasing armor and magic resistance the longer he remains in combat that every 1 sec his additional defense and magic resist increase to 1/2/3. (Max 10)
Within 3 sec if Graves gives or receives damages, it is considered that he is in a battle.
Buckshot: Graves shoots three bullets in a cone, each dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+80% of attack damage) physical damage to all enemies in their path.
Enemies hit with multiple bullets take 25% damage from each additional bullet.
Smoke Screen: Graves fires a smoke canister dealing 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+60% of ability power) magic damage on impact and creating a smoke cloud at the location that lasts (5) seconds. Enemies inside the cloud have their sight radius reduced and are slowed by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 % while they remain in the cloud.
Quickdraw: Graves dashes forward gaining 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 % increased Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Each of his basic attacks lowers the cooldown of Quickdraw by 1 second.
Collateral Damage: Graves fires off an explosive shell dealing 250 / 375 / 500 (+150% of attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy champion hit. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, Collateral Damage deals 150 / 275 / 400 (+120% of attack damage) physical damage in a cone behind the target.
Within 3 sec if Graves gives or receives damages, it is considered that he is in a battle.
Buckshot: Graves shoots three bullets in a cone, each dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+80% of attack damage) physical damage to all enemies in their path.
Enemies hit with multiple bullets take 25% damage from each additional bullet.
Smoke Screen: Graves fires a smoke canister dealing 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+60% of ability power) magic damage on impact and creating a smoke cloud at the location that lasts (5) seconds. Enemies inside the cloud have their sight radius reduced and are slowed by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 % while they remain in the cloud.
Quickdraw: Graves dashes forward gaining 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 % increased Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Each of his basic attacks lowers the cooldown of Quickdraw by 1 second.
Collateral Damage: Graves fires off an explosive shell dealing 250 / 375 / 500 (+150% of attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy champion hit. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, Collateral Damage deals 150 / 275 / 400 (+120% of attack damage) physical damage in a cone behind the target.
Your starting and defensive items can be picked depending to what you're comfortable using in lane and who you are against.
Starting items: If you want to play more passive rather than aggressive i recommend buying long sword and 2 health potions instead of doran's blade. This is because when you have doran's blade you get health for auto attacking. If you play passive this will not help you alot. Buying the long sword will not make a difference, but might actually be better to some players. If they wanna out farm their opponents to get more gold and buy items. The Quintessences of Life Steal will help you gain health and of course your support if they have heal.
Defensive Items: Depending on who you are against and how they do late game. You need to buy the right defensive item. If the opponents are mostly AP i recommend buying banshee's veil late game which will help block skills and have more magic resist. If the opponents are equally AD and AP at the same time i recommend Guardian's Angel which helps you revive if you ever die and gives you both decent amount of armor and magic resistance.
Starting items: If you want to play more passive rather than aggressive i recommend buying long sword and 2 health potions instead of doran's blade. This is because when you have doran's blade you get health for auto attacking. If you play passive this will not help you alot. Buying the long sword will not make a difference, but might actually be better to some players. If they wanna out farm their opponents to get more gold and buy items. The Quintessences of Life Steal will help you gain health and of course your support if they have heal.
Defensive Items: Depending on who you are against and how they do late game. You need to buy the right defensive item. If the opponents are mostly AP i recommend buying banshee's veil late game which will help block skills and have more magic resist. If the opponents are equally AD and AP at the same time i recommend Guardian's Angel which helps you revive if you ever die and gives you both decent amount of armor and magic resistance.
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