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Runes: Tenacious T (Sustain)
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Stuff
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Getting Gritty
I've never been much of an ADC, but I love Tristana's kit, and I feel like someone who carries around a cannon for a living should be pretty tough.
Here's a build that makes that fantasy a reality. With Tristana' scaling attack range, high mobility, and ult for disengage/disrupt, she can make for a decent scrapper––softening up enemies from the back line, and diving in to secure a kill or cover a retreat.
I don't recommend this build to someone who wants to do well. I do recommend it to someone who wants to survive, and be a downright nuisance to the enemy team.
Here's a build that makes that fantasy a reality. With Tristana' scaling attack range, high mobility, and ult for disengage/disrupt, she can make for a decent scrapper––softening up enemies from the back line, and diving in to secure a kill or cover a retreat.
I don't recommend this build to someone who wants to do well. I do recommend it to someone who wants to survive, and be a downright nuisance to the enemy team.
How It Works
Normally Tristana relies on attack speed and crit to deal damage. With this build, she relies on her health and some armor shred, sacrificing damage for resilience and sustain. With her increased range she can consistently proc Grasp of the Undying in lane to harass and heal, and with high Tenacity from runes and boots, she's hard to kill––as long as you're patient. Since Grasp, Doran's Shield, and Second Wind all scale with missing health, the lower health you are, the more you recover.
It's important to reserve at least some of your mana for jumping out of harm's way. If you have trouble with that, exchange Coup de Gras for Presence of Mind.
It's important to reserve at least some of your mana for jumping out of harm's way. If you have trouble with that, exchange Coup de Gras for Presence of Mind.
"Boondle Gunner?"
If you don't end up fed playing top lane, you might consider supporting someone in a better position––ADC, mid, or jungle. In that case you can mix and match from the Boondle Gunner item section. Since your health pool is relatively safe in the back line, Knight's Vow gives the teammate of your choice what's effectively a 6% damage reduction. Ideally you can jump in to disrupt and slow enemies, soak some damage, and jump out––assuming you can get a kill/assist or fully stack your E. This can be made more reliable with Righteous Glory, which closes the distance without using your W.
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