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Champion Build Guide
Playing with Graves
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen can be used to escape and to set up a kill.
Using Swift Shot Swift Shot to get within range, while shooting a Plomazo Plomazo at point-blank range, it can deal a lot of damage.
In duels, always try to place yourself in the potato of your adversary, hit him with some bullets and you will see all the blood that you take from him.
Playing against Graves
Graves Graves deals mostly physical damage, so armor is a good defensive measure.
Exiting the Smoke Screen's area of effect Smoke Screen instantly removes the damaging effect.
Use of skills
Online always save mana for Swift Shot Swift Shot to be able to escape if the enemy jungle comes or to get close and finish off an enemy.
When fleeing from an enemy with a skill shot in the bottom lane (such as Blitzcrank Blitzcrank or Thresh Thresh) use Smoke Screen Smoke Screen to obstruct vision.
In a 1v1 combat, start with Swift Shot Swift Shot to get the attack speed bonus.
Use Plomazo Plomazo online to last hit multiple minions and hit the enemy at the same time.
Try to maintain True Valor charges True Valor by hitting minions, to receive armor for free.
During the lines phase, Plomazo Plomazo is a great ability to prevent the enemy from landing the last hit, however it costs a lot of mana if used repeatedly.
At high levels, Plomazo Plomazo can kill all mage minions in one hit, even without damage items.
Graves Graves can easily knock back and kill minions with Plomazo Plomazo. However, you should save Smoke Screen Smoke Screen due to its relatively low damage, great utility, and great cooldown. For a high damage combo, cast Smoke Screen Smoke Screen on an enemy, zoom in with Swift Shot Swift Shot, and fire Plomazo Plomazo close to the target.
Reducing the view ratio of Smoke Screen Smoke Screen is very useful, along with its area slowing effect.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen can be used to play enemies and allow Graves Graves to think twice about chasing the enemy or escaping.
It can be used to initiate a ganking as the target will not be able to see incoming enemies.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen can be a strong element to slow down approaching enemies.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen greatly diminishes the usefulness of an enemy champion that relies on unit ranged spells, such as Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or Annie Annie because vision of their target is required to cast these spells.
The Quick Shot Bass Quick Shot Bass can be used to move through tight spaces. This allows Graves Graves to be very mobile and can benefit you in chases or escapes.
Try to use Collateral Damage Collateral Damage at the start of a team fight when enemies are together, allowing you to hit multiple targets.
When the champion you are up against has some flash ability (eg Ezreal Ezreal) and tries to engage you, cast Smoke Screen Smoke Screen where it moved, and quickly escapes leaving your opponent blind.
Through the use of quick spells, you can cast Plomazo Plomazo and Plomazo Plomazo and Rapid Shot Plomazo together so that you can zoom out while firing all three Plomazo Plomazo bullets in front of you. Use this technique to take down low-health enemies and escape quickly.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen can be used to escape and to set up a kill.
Using Swift Shot Swift Shot to get within range, while shooting a Plomazo Plomazo at point-blank range, it can deal a lot of damage.
In duels, always try to place yourself in the potato of your adversary, hit him with some bullets and you will see all the blood that you take from him.
Playing against Graves
Graves Graves deals mostly physical damage, so armor is a good defensive measure.
Exiting the Smoke Screen's area of effect Smoke Screen instantly removes the damaging effect.
Use of skills
Online always save mana for Swift Shot Swift Shot to be able to escape if the enemy jungle comes or to get close and finish off an enemy.
When fleeing from an enemy with a skill shot in the bottom lane (such as Blitzcrank Blitzcrank or Thresh Thresh) use Smoke Screen Smoke Screen to obstruct vision.
In a 1v1 combat, start with Swift Shot Swift Shot to get the attack speed bonus.
Use Plomazo Plomazo online to last hit multiple minions and hit the enemy at the same time.
Try to maintain True Valor charges True Valor by hitting minions, to receive armor for free.
During the lines phase, Plomazo Plomazo is a great ability to prevent the enemy from landing the last hit, however it costs a lot of mana if used repeatedly.
At high levels, Plomazo Plomazo can kill all mage minions in one hit, even without damage items.
Graves Graves can easily knock back and kill minions with Plomazo Plomazo. However, you should save Smoke Screen Smoke Screen due to its relatively low damage, great utility, and great cooldown. For a high damage combo, cast Smoke Screen Smoke Screen on an enemy, zoom in with Swift Shot Swift Shot, and fire Plomazo Plomazo close to the target.
Reducing the view ratio of Smoke Screen Smoke Screen is very useful, along with its area slowing effect.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen can be used to play enemies and allow Graves Graves to think twice about chasing the enemy or escaping.
It can be used to initiate a ganking as the target will not be able to see incoming enemies.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen can be a strong element to slow down approaching enemies.
Smoke Screen Smoke Screen greatly diminishes the usefulness of an enemy champion that relies on unit ranged spells, such as Cassiopeia Cassiopeia or Annie Annie because vision of their target is required to cast these spells.
The Quick Shot Bass Quick Shot Bass can be used to move through tight spaces. This allows Graves Graves to be very mobile and can benefit you in chases or escapes.
Try to use Collateral Damage Collateral Damage at the start of a team fight when enemies are together, allowing you to hit multiple targets.
When the champion you are up against has some flash ability (eg Ezreal Ezreal) and tries to engage you, cast Smoke Screen Smoke Screen where it moved, and quickly escapes leaving your opponent blind.
Through the use of quick spells, you can cast Plomazo Plomazo and Plomazo Plomazo and Rapid Shot Plomazo together so that you can zoom out while firing all three Plomazo Plomazo bullets in front of you. Use this technique to take down low-health enemies and escape quickly.
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