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Hecarim Build Guide by Scapi

Tank Hecarim - The Running Fortress

Tank Hecarim - The Running Fortress

Updated on November 3, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scapi Build Guide By Scapi 1,144 Views 0 Comments
1,144 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Scapi Hecarim Build Guide By Scapi Updated on November 3, 2014
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Hey Guys

This is my First selfmade build, it is not professional or anything,
it also is not a guiding kind of a Guide.
The main reason why i registered at mobafire is to share some
thoughts about item builds and get some feedback^^
PS: English is not my mother language so sometimes i have a hard time writing in it.
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The Ruuuunes

there is not much to say about them, for more tanky stlye the armour and magic resis runes.
The AD runes are just to deal a little more dmg with the Q.
Finally the Runspeed Quints are used for enough speed to catch enemys before they can get away
and kill them.
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Ahh the Items...

This is the main part of this little build.
You start with the spirit of the ancient golem because you are a Jungler. The extra percentage of Health is important in lategame.
Then the boots for enough movement and AD.
Randuins Omen and the Frozen Mallet can help you to slow the enemys down so that your team can easily kill them.
Iron solari and spirit visage is needed for health and magic resist and the effects can be pretty usefull too.
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Pros / Cons

Last Capter

very tanky, over 5k health and lots of armour and magic resist.
high speed to chase enemys, very usefull in and after team fights.

Low dmg, Jungling is not so easy even in late game,
to weak to def base against super minions.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scapi
Scapi Hecarim Guide
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Hecarim - The Running Fortress

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