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Gragas Build Guide by dl4fun

How to jungle Gragass in ranked by ffsToXiC

How to jungle Gragass in ranked by ffsToXiC

Updated on May 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dl4fun Build Guide By dl4fun 1 25 6,803 Views 13 Comments
1 25 6,803 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dl4fun Gragas Build Guide By dl4fun Updated on May 25, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Jungle path

Casual jungle path: start wolves/blue/wraith/red...and don't hesitate to get BODY SLAM after DRUNKED RAGE if you want to insta-gank a lane.
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Ranked Play

Call your team to camp the golem brush (you get more vision) and up your BODY SLAM.
If you invade their blue and see them heading somewhere else,throw up their blue and call your team to invade your former blue as they will get it.
AP route works aswell (cloth armor/casual dorans rabadon),which makes you really powerful early-mid game but it will fall off late game,where you will be useless (you can only poke)
Whereas tanky route will make you dominate in all stages of the game.

Enjoy :)
Author's note: This guide will be gradually updated if it's worth editing it.
Edit: Seriously try this out before voting as you can't revoke your vote.I use it on ranked 1600 and end up winning/carrying/getting fed/being useful all stages of the game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dl4fun
dl4fun Gragas Guide
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How to jungle Gragass in ranked by ffsToXiC

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