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LeBlanc Build Guide by Usafjet

Assassin how to LeBlanc for dummies

Assassin how to LeBlanc for dummies

Updated on May 29, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Usafjet Build Guide By Usafjet 2,254 Views 0 Comments
2,254 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Usafjet LeBlanc Build Guide By Usafjet Updated on May 29, 2014
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Hello! my name is Usafjet and i have been playing league since then end of season 2. I have played MANY different champions but LeBlanc has stood out the most to me. She has AMAZING burst and high kill potential. This is my guide i hope you like it :).
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Take magic pen runes, ap, cdr, and mana regen
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Skill Sequence

MAx your Q then your E then your W
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Flash and ignite are my favorite to go since she has 3 ways to escape with flash and ignite adds the extra kill potential/first blood
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Pros / Cons

    High burst
    high kill potential
    very fun

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Last hit as much as you can. if your going to miss a creep q it because you need as much cs as you can get.
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Tips and tricks

    If you want to harass without taking hardly any damage w in there throw a q and r then push w again and your safe!
    Ward as much as you can in the bushes, you do not need to get ganked and fall behind!
    if they are about to get when your w is on cooldown throw in a e and run
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Well thats it. This is my first guide by the way. Hope this will help you. GLHF
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Usafjet
Usafjet LeBlanc Guide
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how to LeBlanc for dummies

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