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Corki Build Guide by hah_dl

AD Carry How to play Corki

AD Carry How to play Corki

Updated on July 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hah_dl Build Guide By hah_dl 2,876 Views 0 Comments
2,876 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hah_dl Corki Build Guide By hah_dl Updated on July 15, 2013
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General Information

Corki is a strong but squishy adc. He's very good at poking and totally eating up chunks of he enemies health. When known how to play correctly corki can be a total ***** to the enemy team
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ability tips

corki's main ability, that will help throughout the entire game, is gatling gun. Gatling gun reduces the opponents armor making them squishy and easy to kill. Having alot of armor penetration runes can greatly increase the amount of armor penetration corki can do.

Corki's valkyrie is mainly used to escape the enemy(at least thats what i use it for). You can use Valkyrie to leap over trees and go in the jungle to escape enemies. Valkyrie can also cause damage when stepped on. Valkyrie can also be used to pursue the enemy. This ability is amazing because you dont have to burn your flash but the main problem with it is the cool down time.

Corki's ultimate is beautiful. Every third missile does extra damage, but the problem withit is you have to aim well. SO a tip for this is watch your opponents movement first and try find the a target point. For example if my enemy is taking a left and going into the jungle aim in the jungle towards the entrance and you can have a great chance at hitting your target.
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Farm as much as possible cause you're going to need it.
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Pros / Cons

-strong adc
-can make the enemy squishy
-overall fun champion

-hard to play
-very squishy champion
-really slow movement
-cool down times are a pain in the ***
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hah_dl
hah_dl Corki Guide
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How to play Corki

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