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Trundle Build Guide by Riotisc4ncer

Jungle How to troll properly with Trundle!

Jungle How to troll properly with Trundle!

Updated on October 31, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riotisc4ncer Build Guide By Riotisc4ncer 5 9 7,576 Views 1 Comments
5 9 7,576 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Riotisc4ncer Trundle Build Guide By Riotisc4ncer Updated on October 31, 2024
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How to troll properly with Trundle!

By Riotisc4ncer
Story why you should troll!
You know that Riot has changed League of Legends sooo badly that you cant even play properly. Maybe you played over 10 years like me and was in a high elo and suddely you are in bronze or silver. That reason behind this **** is, because Riot letting people buy accounts and play in a elo which they dont even belong there. So the players buying account ruining the gameplay of others and you lose so much MMR. There is no more honor to play ranked and Riot will never change this, because they tender to sucking esport players tiny pipis and creating new champion only for esport, since Riot making a lot of money with esport and selling trash skins.

My friend i courage you to play ranked and troll soooo hard, that Riot notices the high rate trolling and do something about this. IF Riot doesnt want to learn and keep sucking all the money from the esport, then please my friend play trundle or any other champion and troll the game. And especially the high rate of bots ingame are ruining league too and riot doesnt care since worlds brining money. Iam not sure about this but i think that riot is buying likes and comments to counteract against people like me if they trash talk about their game. Reddit is full of paid comments so dont wonder why there ars 0 likes when someone complaining about the game. And I dont talk about posts like my team is bad or something in that direction.

Now i come to the gameplay and how you can still play your account without getting banned. You can of course play with other account if you dont want to risk your main accoutn.
Trundle Gameplay
Our goal is to get jungle and pick trundle. Trundle can interrupt channeling like Teleport of players, recalling and Ultimates like Jhin or Karthus etc.
YOur goal with Trundle is to sabotage the game without getting banned. How you do it? Its easy. When the game starts you ping to invade jungle. Then you dont help your team and just die against the jungler or their adc.
Your team will be tilted already so now you go farm your jungle.
You farm your jungle really slow, because you want to make the enemies sure, that you play soo bad and they can take the objectives like the dragon. Many people doesnt understand that the dragon are unfair in this game because when one team gets the soul, the game is over! Dragonsoul is sooo overpowered people dont know how to counter it and we dont need to talk about elder drake. Since you are the jungle, your team having really hard time getting drake by themselves. Thats why you need to be jungle or this plan will backfire when your pick other roles.

Now we come to the interesting part which makes the team FF, When you farm slowly, you cant gank your team, so you team might die and go back to the base. When you see someone die with teleport as spell. Go immediately back to base and wait for their arrival and when they teleport then you cancel it with E spell.

YOur team gets extremly tilted and you repeat the stuff with teleport cancel. Now you have teleport and can teleport to lanes to steal a huge wave. Thats why you have TP and smite. Your team will be really mad and wants to ff 15 fast.

Your farm slowly again and maybe you can die to an anemy with double buffs, so the enemies get stronger. Thats it you repeat it till you lose.
How to not get banned???
Lets talk about how you could get banned.

1 When you constantly die to enemies like every 10 secs.

2 When you type in chat while ruining the game.

3 When you steal many lane farms before 20 mins. (The enemy team often doesnt like that and they will report you, thats how you get banned for 2 weeks)

4 Dont ever ban too often in champ select, this lead to 100% 2 weeks ban.

As you can see, you can troll your game without getting banned. You troll the game so that the enemy team will see you just as a noon player and they wont report noobs haha.

Lastly you make sure that your enemies get full dragon buff so they are much stronger in 4v6 haha. You will make sure that your team will lose, even if your team has 20/0 Yasuo or Katarina. Objectives and teamfight with your E to sabotage your team will lead your team to 100% lose. You rarely win the game when someone in your enemy team is afk or trolling aswell.

Good luck my friend and make league great again.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riotisc4ncer
Riotisc4ncer Trundle Guide
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How to troll properly with Trundle!

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