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The rod of ages is chosen because maoakai has gone on the quest to become the very best like every roa ever was, to catch him was their teams quest, but to ace them was his cause. to travel across all the lanes to dunk them was his cause. for each enemy to understand the power that's inside. roa its you and me its our destiny, roa your my best friend this nexus we must defend
roa with my health so true,your stats will pull us through. you heal me and i'll buy you, roa gotta buy them all. every challenge along the way with this roa I will face, I will w every chance. I will ult their entire team. for this game is my rightful win.
follow me the time ( is always) right
there is no better item
as time goes on we'll win these fights
its our destiny
roa with my health so true,your stats will pull us through. you heal me and i'll buy you, roa gotta buy them all. every challenge along the way with this roa I will face, I will w every chance. I will ult their entire team. for this game is my rightful win.
follow me the time ( is always) right
there is no better item
as time goes on we'll win these fights
its our destiny
if you do this in ranked the lp will be free, just follow these three steps
1. mute your team - their opinions dont matter anyways
2. build more roa - seriously what are you doing reading this? go get more roa
3. - kill teemo at all costs, doesnt matter what team doesnt matter how tanky teemo must die
if you follow these 3 easy steps you will win every game
no refunds
1. mute your team - their opinions dont matter anyways
2. build more roa - seriously what are you doing reading this? go get more roa
3. - kill teemo at all costs, doesnt matter what team doesnt matter how tanky teemo must die
if you follow these 3 easy steps you will win every game
no refunds
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