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Illaoi General Guide by

AD Offtank Illaoi - The Top Lane Goddess

AD Offtank Illaoi - The Top Lane Goddess

Updated on November 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Build Guide By 3,442 Views 0 Comments
3,442 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Illaoi Build Guide By Updated on November 24, 2015
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Illaoi Release

I bought Illaoi earlier today (on release) and she is ridiculous.

Her scaling ratios on her abilities are crazy; Rito will definitely nerf her soon!

Her mana costs are very low and the cooldowns aren't too high either, allowing you to spam incredibly hard in lane and not lose out on much mana.

I hope you found my quick guide useful, if you've got any questions, just post a comment :)
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Passive: Prophet of an Elder God

Illaoi periodically spawns a tentacle on a nearby wall. Tentacles interact with Illaoi’s abilities and last until killed or left dormant a full minute.

Q: Tentacle Smash

Passive: Tentacles that hit enemy champions heal Illaoi for a small portion of her missing health.

Active: Illaoi summons a tentacle that slams down in a target direction, damaging all enemies struck.

W: Harsh lesson

Instead of attacking normally, Illaoi charges in for her next basic attack, dealing bonus physical damage before commanding all nearby tentacles to swing at her target.

E: Test of Spirit

Illaoi casts a spell that sends tendrils out in a target direction. If the tendrils connect with an enemy champion, they grasp the champion’s spirit and tear it back to Illaoi. When spirits are attacked by the Kraken Priestess or her allies, it transmits a portion of its suffering to their now spiritless champion. If Illaoi and her allies are able to destroy the spirit, or if the spiritless champion flees too far from their spirit, they suffer a heavy slow as they become a vessel, and start spawning tentacles around them that attack both their host and their allies. Test of Spirit allows tentacles to occasionally swing at spirits and vessels, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit.

R: Leap of Faith

Illaoi leaps into the air before slamming her idol into the ground, damaging all nearby enemies and summoning a tentacle for every enemy champion hit. Harsh Lesson’s cooldown is significantly reduced while Leap of Faith is active.
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Illaoi Guide
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Illaoi - The Top Lane Goddess

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