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Anivia Build Guide by madbeast

Jamba Nuking

Jamba Nuking

Updated on October 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author madbeast Build Guide By madbeast 2,059 Views 0 Comments
2,059 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author madbeast Anivia Build Guide By madbeast Updated on October 10, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Team Work to Semi solo : ICE AGE SUPPORT

i dunno about you but this are the things i use.... if youre the push assist type this the set for you .. but in the early game its going to be risky cause you will have to rely on youre pt soo much .... the tactic here is stun the enemy get youre ally ready after you stun wall it behind then its pt v 1 ... moving on this also means youll be doing alot of def and farming of creeps which makes you able to push since anivia has a strong aoe ... the tel helps you get to places where needed the most and lets you catch up on lane since anivia has the slowest movement in all of LOL. one thing you dont want is getting killed on the spot thats while you dont enough cash you should always buy potion but depending on how you handle the situation .... plus the key to this is timing and foresight ... one last thing .. early game must be a constant harass ..
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League of Legends Build Guide Author madbeast
madbeast Anivia Guide
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