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Jax - Make Your Opponents Cry

Jax - Make Your Opponents Cry

Updated on February 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Organized Build Guide By Organized 5 6 7,376 Views 6 Comments
5 6 7,376 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Organized Build Guide By Organized Updated on February 1, 2011
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This is my first build so remember that it might be some things that need to be changed. I have made this guide because I have met to many horrible Jax's out there. Remember that Jax have GODLIKE damage and VERY LOW LIFE. You shouldn't play with Jax if you play to offensive, because then you will feed the other team. Then it might get hard to admit that this is the right build for Jax.

Keep in mind that I've never tried this build in Ranked Games!

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The Options For 5v5:

TELEPORT Use this to get back faster after deadtime or recall. Experience is important for Jax to get early game. And it might help you take down a turret from you enemy when the teamfight are in the bottom of the map and you noticed that your minions are alone and attacking the turret. I always keep this spell in mind when i play 5v5 for every champion i play with.

EXHAUST Pretty usefull for first blood and to ignore a champion who attacks you when you damaging a turret. But I think it is kind of useless in late games since then you should have your dodge who protects you.

GHOST If you are bad at looking for misses from the map and usually have a colddown on your leap strike then you should pick this. Otherwise are there much better options for Jax in my opinion. But it is still usefull for escape and chasing opponents.

IGNITE If Mundo or Tryndamere are available as free champions of the week you have to pick this. You will get serious problems if these champions are well played and you don't have Ignite.

FLASH This spell is good for your survival and your chasing. If you learn how to use it right, then I don't see any problems picking it. It have helped me alot with killing other opponents with low life at a turret and I have half health or less left. Many people thinks that they are say at a turret no matter what. Whith this skill are no one safe!

The Options for 3v3:

EXHAUST Pretty usefull for first blood and to ignore a champion who attacks you when you damaging a turret. But I think it is kind of useless in late games since then you should have your dodge who protects you. But for a strong and carefull opponent team this might be needed.

GHOST This is more usefull for a little map. Think about your choice and how you play before you pick this.

IGNITE If Mundo or Tryndamere are available as free champions of the week you have to pick this. You will get serious problems if these champions are well played and you don't have Ignite. And this is my favourite choice in 3v3. It gives that little extra damage that is needed to steal first blood or to survive a fight.

FLASH This spell is good for your survival and your chasing. If you learn how to use it right, then I don't see any problems picking it. It have helped me alot with killing other opponents with low life at a turret and I have half health or less left. Many people thinks that they are say at a turret no matter what. Whith this skill are no one safe!
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Core Items Are:

Doran's Ring and Health Potion makes Jax very powerfull the first 3 levels. If you want to put the third skill on Empower to make him damage more, that could really make succes to first blood. But I rather put that point to Counter Strike to increase my chance to dodge and even stun opponents.

Ninja Tabi These boots explains their self. Armor + Chance to dodge is very important.

Guinsoo's Rageblade Gives Jax ability power, psychial damage and attack speed. If you don't get this item as a third item, then you will fail as a summoner and you have no chance against other Jax's that follows this guide. 8 stacks from this and 10 stacks from ulti makes Jax's attack speed ridiculous in early/mid game.

Hextech Gunblade When I buy this item I usually buy Bilgewater Cutlass before I buy Hextech Revovler since Hextech Revovler only heals when Jax damage something with spells and not normal attack damage. Bilgewater Cutlass give you a nice attack damage and 15% life steal. I usually gets OP when I have Bought Hextech Gunblade, since the high rate of healing yourself and the chance to dodge and stun opponents, then I get 3-4 hits during the stun and a big part of Jax low life will be healed.

The last Core items are:

Phantom Dancer This gives high amount of 55% attack speed, 30% critical chance and increas your movement speed by 15%. Very usefull and that stats says it all.

Sword Of The Divine This item should only be bought if you find yourself dodged to much or meeting Jax. Otherwise I will recommend Phantom Dancer instead of this.

The More Optional Items Are:

Infinity Edge Gives Jax huge damage, 50% higher critical damgage and 20% critical chance. I can't tell why you shouldn't buy this items in late games.

The Black Cleaver Gives a nice damage and some more attack speed. This item is usefull against tanks and rough champions like Malphite, Rammus, Cho'gath etc.

Frozen Mallet If you find your opponents very carefully and have problems getting them killed near a turret or a caster that have (icon=Boots Of Swiftness size=19), then I can recommend this. It gives a little life which is good for your survival.

Thornmail I usually use this against teams with strong meele damager like Akali, Renekton, Xin Zhao, Jax, Twitch etc. It gives a nice armor and returns 30% of the attackers damage.

Guardian Angel I buy this when I have noticed that the teamfights are really hard for both teams. Then this can help you get a few more kills or make your opponents target someone else. This item gives you a second chance!

Oracle's Elixir Good to have if you can afford it if you have problems with Twitch or Evelynn.

Else you can look for yourself what items that fit your opponents. Maybe you need high magic res or higher armor.
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Learn To Play With Jax!

In 5v5:

Since I don't have the experince to go jungling with Jax, then don't you even think about it if you can't handle it by yourself. And since Jax is weak in eraly game I recommand you to not go mid!

This is how I play Jax and it might not be the smartest way sometimes, depending on your opponents and your allied champion, but this works 9/10 times for me.

Early game:

If you meet two casters then play def at the turret if you and your allied champion both meele. (Master Yi is an example) Let them come to you and care for attacks from your opponents. If your only level 1 or 2, then load your Empower and then Leap Strike one of the casters. After you have dealt your damage then run quickly back to your turret for protection. When you get your Counter Strike then you should attack your opponents ONLY and then i mean ONLY when they are surrounded by enemy minions. Why? These increase your chance to dodge, since the minions will target you after your Leap + Empower, then you have the best shot to activate Counter Strike and stun your opponents. Unless your allied champ can stun or snare them a short while. Remember to play defensive with Jax! Even though he got Goodlike damage, Jax is weak. I would say that you can play a litlle more offensive when you reach level 11 and don't have the lowest level in the game. But still, Jax high damage makes him a target that everyone want to kill before anyone else is dead.

If you meet two meele then you should Leap at one that you decided to get killed and fast run back to avoid attacks. With Doran's Ring you usually damage 1/3 of your targets health at level 2-4. If find out that your allied champion is a big fat feeder then you should tell him to play def only to get your levels boosted up and then you normaly can kill both easily depending on if the feeding stops or not. The game can already be lost at this time as you surely know.

When I pick buddy in line (if that is possible) I usually wanna go with someone that can slow the opponents or stun them. This helps Jax alot with his abilitys.

Mid Game:

You have might noticed that the first turret will go down soon and your help is required. If you have Teleport available then you should run up/down to the spot that needs help and if you survive the fight then you might recall or teleport back to your line. (This depends on if you got life steal or not if you health is low) Otherwise, try to kill your opponents in your way and finnish the turret. It is very important to look very often at the mini map to notice any failed missing call to help you survive. If there are beginning to start up a bunch of teamfights, that you must help your team mates with, then hold back and wait out the opponents ulti, since you always have to count to that you are their first target and your damage are very usefull.

Late Game:

Stand behind the tanks and then play defensive in teamfights. This is the moment where we can see who is the bigger noob. Jax should never shoot the first spell on someone else since he is meele.

In 3v3:

The basics are almost the same as in 5v5. But if you are experienced and you meet a team with only meele champions, then I recommend you to solo top to get the fast experince to level 6 and 9. But dont even think about solo if you dont know if you can handle the other opponent in the line. Jax is weak and can't handle a well played caster going solo. Then you might need assistance every third minute to recall and heal your health.

(icon=Health Potion size=64) Remember that these can be very juicy in early/mid game since you get more life to kill minions and you get more money and experience by them! I usually buy 3 of these if I can afford them and can't afford my next item. But they are pretty useless after your Hextech Gunblade.

And many people say that Tryndamere are the best champion in 1v1 fight in late game. I laugh and say that they are just stupid. I have met a lot of well played Tryndamere 1v1, but no one has killed me without getting killed himself. Thanks to Ignite.

This is how i kill Tryndamere in 1v1:

Leap + Empower into him. Stack up your attack speed on him. First chance you have to stun him, do that as soon as possible! Then you get some health from your life steal. Spam Empower and Leap as soon as they are available. When Tryndamere realice that he gets low health he starts his ulti. Hopefully you got another stun incomming from his attacks. (If you attack him arround enemy minions then your stun should be available all the time and then just wait for the colddown.) Tryndamere's ulti only lasts 6 secounds. And you have to wait out that ulti 3-4 secounds and then you stun him after that so he cant escape during his ulti. Then aim Ignite on him and start to chase him down. If you have allied minions around you, keep in mind that Tryndamere's Bloodlust can get him enough health from them to escape or kill you.

Good Luck!
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I have not tried all the runes that could be usefull for Jax, since I don't have enpugh IP, but I will recommend this until later.

Mark Of Alacrity
Greater Seal Of Evasion
Glyph Of Alacrity
Greater Quintessence Of Evasion

Dodge and Attack Speed the basic for Jax to kill other Opponents.
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This is my thought of Jax's Masteries since I play with different spells in different games. There might be a better pick for him, but I belive in this.
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Jax - Make Your Opponents Cry

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