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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Meant to be played for fun
Glacial Augment
Slows enemy and then you get ms from Approach Velocity rune.
Magical Footwear
More ms but need to wait to get the boots longer.
Minion Dematerializer
Idk you can pick what you want here. Its good at start for Jhin.
Triumph and Legend: Bloodline
For Healing because you will not buy any lifesteal items .
Of course you can take Legend: Alacrity and run faster but you wont have any lifesteal.
Slows enemy and then you get ms from Approach Velocity rune.
Magical Footwear
More ms but need to wait to get the boots longer.
Minion Dematerializer
Idk you can pick what you want here. Its good at start for Jhin.
Triumph and Legend: Bloodline
For Healing because you will not buy any lifesteal items .
Of course you can take Legend: Alacrity and run faster but you wont have any lifesteal.
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