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Nasus Build Guide by Caarlito

Top Jonanzo's nasus guide [Patch 14.3]

Top Jonanzo's nasus guide [Patch 14.3]

Updated on February 16, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Caarlito Build Guide By Caarlito 6 3 70,864 Views 0 Comments
6 3 70,864 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Caarlito Nasus Build Guide By Caarlito Updated on February 16, 2024
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Runes: Core build!

Unsealed Spellbook
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Approach Velocity

Second Wind

+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


Always in use! I use this beacuse one of biggest weakneses on Nasus is movment speed!
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



First back (depends on ad or ap matchup
Rush vs AD matchups
Rush vs AP matchups
Secound Rush Trinity
Boots, change in late game to mr or ad. depends on matchup

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

New best Q max Nasus

Standard runes for Nasus! Im number 150 best nasus in euw! I hope you enjoy my guide!

Use this runes vs all matchups.

Unsealed spellbook is really good for my playstyle at least. After 20 minutes of farming i start roaming around and helping team with all the objectives.
You use it to swap out your summoner spells for objectives and late game situasions-
Say it goes 12 minutes in lane, you have low mana. Just change your summoner spell to clearity(Problem solved)

Say u are low health and need to back, but don't wanna lose any farm. Just change to tp.
Everything works after 12 minute mark.

But if this shall work at all u need to master staying alive with nasus. if you die early, the game is over. (Nothing more to say)

Magical footwear = Free boots and gives u extra movment speed. Really good for nasus that has low mobility.

Future's Market = Since the nerf at sheen changed the cost to 1000 then 900. it got so expensive and u get it so late and it's main powerspike at nasus, you can now get it earlier with this rune, enjoy!

Approach velocity = When you slowing your enemies you get alot of extra movment speed that way as well. It says it all when you already have bad mobility at nasus before.

Resolve runes

Secound Wind = Is a most. No questen at all. Is so strong vs all matchups beacuse every time u get poked it will heal your missing health like dorans shield.

Overgrwoth = A good solution for your squishy nasus. Is the weakest champ in the game early (Sadly)
But this will help you gaining faster health when the game goes on!

The last runes

First is ability haste ofc. Helps you stack much faster.

The two last runes is scaling health is so strong and it get's stronger when the games go on.

You will enjoy this runes and champ if you enjoy playing passiv and love spacing(walking back and forth in fights and stuff)

And the last. I recommand stacking to you get at least 200 before you do anything if you play vs squshy.

If you play vs tank. Just ignore him XD And enjoy free stacks for 20 min! Should have Around 350-400 stacks at that minute mark.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Caarlito
Caarlito Nasus Guide
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