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Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
here's the ranked game i promised
Now talking about the runes and why attack speed? well on this guide you will be depending on Grandmaster-At-Arms a lot and along with relentless ***ualt this will go a long way
I prefer going into lane top or bottom with an ally disable or slow (eg, Teemo Varus Miss Fortune , etc) to get the upper hand on harrassing and killing your enemy lane.
now at level 1 you shouldnt be too greedy or harrasing much and keeping yourself in a safe distance after reaching level too that's when things start to get a little jumpy. Use Leap Strike along with Counter Strike and force them to use their Flash to escape. you will get 1-2 additional attacks in before you use stun and if they get stunned you get another 1-2 strikes in again. and this usual gets you the kill. Keep repeating this combo with your lane mate until you reach level 6, now its skull mashing time! your damage output is now pretty much hyped up! from here its your choice to go ganking or pushing up lane, Grandmaster-At-Arms makes farming all the more easier!
now most jax would use Empower then Leap Strike together but it would be a lot more damaging if you use Leap Strike then Empower as this gives you an extra attack when it refreshes you attack rate! only use the the first one if it would secure the kill but otherwise it would be best to stick to the latter.
during a brawl after landing the combo and your enemy is still putting up a fight, keep activating your Empower and Leap Strike since they have low CDs but try saving up Leap Strike at times when enemies vanish on the map so that you can use it to jump out of the battle and run!
Dealing with APs are easier when you get your Wit's End because together along with your Grandmaster-At-Arms will give you a decent amount of MRs early in the game so squishy little APs are easy ganks for you early in the game
now at level 1 you shouldnt be too greedy or harrasing much and keeping yourself in a safe distance after reaching level too that's when things start to get a little jumpy. Use Leap Strike along with Counter Strike and force them to use their Flash to escape. you will get 1-2 additional attacks in before you use stun and if they get stunned you get another 1-2 strikes in again. and this usual gets you the kill. Keep repeating this combo with your lane mate until you reach level 6, now its skull mashing time! your damage output is now pretty much hyped up! from here its your choice to go ganking or pushing up lane, Grandmaster-At-Arms makes farming all the more easier!
now most jax would use Empower then Leap Strike together but it would be a lot more damaging if you use Leap Strike then Empower as this gives you an extra attack when it refreshes you attack rate! only use the the first one if it would secure the kill but otherwise it would be best to stick to the latter.
during a brawl after landing the combo and your enemy is still putting up a fight, keep activating your Empower and Leap Strike since they have low CDs but try saving up Leap Strike at times when enemies vanish on the map so that you can use it to jump out of the battle and run!
Dealing with APs are easier when you get your Wit's End because together along with your Grandmaster-At-Arms will give you a decent amount of MRs early in the game so squishy little APs are easy ganks for you early in the game
Now most people will rush Hextech Gunblade or Guinsoo's Rageblade as it goes well with all of his skills and building AD and AP also means that your building up Armor and MR so it does give you good survivability and the life steal is not bad to stay in your lane longer
but on this guide we'll be rushing Wit's End and Zephyr this two items give you 90% attack speed boost which means you'll be hitting them twice per second specially after using Counter Strike the usual Leap Strike >>> Empower >> Counter Strike combo will be more deadly mixed in with a few Grandmaster-At-Arms
but let's step out of the attack speed for a second and look at the extra survivability that comes with this items Wit's End keeps you from getting bursted by those pesky APs and Zephyr gives tenacity and movement speed boost to help you run away in case it gets too dangerous or chase down victims who try to escape having movement speed boost also allows you to roam the map freely
now that you got yourself a decent amount of burst damage we're going to focus on securing the kill more easily and getting buffed for the big fights! and that's where Frozen Mallet comes in with a damn good 40% slow and a freaking monster 700hp and the 30 damage is also good for damage and extra armor with Grandmaster-At-Arms
And now that you got everything you need for the kill its time we focus on staying in the battle longer that's where Hextech Gunblade and Guinsoo's Rageblade comes in! with your attack speed you'll be reffiling your hp bar in a matter of seconds with the help of spell vamp and life steal plus when the battle starts getting a little too rough you get an extra 20% attack speed, 10% additional life steal, 10% spell vamp and ranged slow to keep you in the fight and not let anyone escape!
but on this guide we'll be rushing Wit's End and Zephyr this two items give you 90% attack speed boost which means you'll be hitting them twice per second specially after using Counter Strike the usual Leap Strike >>> Empower >> Counter Strike combo will be more deadly mixed in with a few Grandmaster-At-Arms
but let's step out of the attack speed for a second and look at the extra survivability that comes with this items Wit's End keeps you from getting bursted by those pesky APs and Zephyr gives tenacity and movement speed boost to help you run away in case it gets too dangerous or chase down victims who try to escape having movement speed boost also allows you to roam the map freely
now that you got yourself a decent amount of burst damage we're going to focus on securing the kill more easily and getting buffed for the big fights! and that's where Frozen Mallet comes in with a damn good 40% slow and a freaking monster 700hp and the 30 damage is also good for damage and extra armor with Grandmaster-At-Arms
And now that you got everything you need for the kill its time we focus on staying in the battle longer that's where Hextech Gunblade and Guinsoo's Rageblade comes in! with your attack speed you'll be reffiling your hp bar in a matter of seconds with the help of spell vamp and life steal plus when the battle starts getting a little too rough you get an extra 20% attack speed, 10% additional life steal, 10% spell vamp and ranged slow to keep you in the fight and not let anyone escape!
All in all these build focuses on easy killings and good (not the best but good) survivability. Anyway this is just how I play Jax doesnt neccessarilly mean its the only way to play him specially one such hybrid as Jax so there are a lot more ways to play him! thank you for reading guys and hoped it actually helps. if anyone has any questions about this guide please feel free to comment and i'll try to answer them as best i can
niways thanks guys! :)
ps. Im going to try using this on rankings! and post the results later on! :)
niways thanks guys! :)
ps. Im going to try using this on rankings! and post the results later on! :)
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