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Ahri Build Guide by BattleCatsRoyale

Jungle Jungle Ahri. Yes, really... please don't use this as actual reference, it's still in progress.

Jungle Jungle Ahri. Yes, really... please don't use this as actual reference, it's still in progress.

Updated on September 15, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BattleCatsRoyale Build Guide By BattleCatsRoyale 2,616 Views 0 Comments
2,616 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BattleCatsRoyale Ahri Build Guide By BattleCatsRoyale Updated on September 15, 2022
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Runes: Kite build

1 2
Cheap Shot
Zombie Ward
Treasure Hunter

Perfect Timing
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2
Chilling smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Jungle Ahri. Yes, really... please don't use this as actual reference, it's still in progress.

By BattleCatsRoyale
Disclaimer: please don't do it.
In general, you should not use either of these builds, for your own sake. There is a high risk that you will be mass reported, heavily flamed, constantly pinged, your teammates might just tilt easier, and this build is still a work in progress. I you really need any more convincing, Ahri jungle has a winrate below 40% even in lower ranks, and basically the only reason I'm engineering this build is for my own personal challenge. If you use it anyways, just make sure you read through everything and understand how to jungle in the first place, and I mean jungle well, not just being able to clear camps and gank, you need to know, practice, and master skills that professional and even Challenger level junglers use to even have a chance with using this nonsense. I'm trying my best to make a fully viable and functional build, simply because it *isn't* meta (in order to make my own "meta" with it), but it may not work out in the long term after all. With all that said, if you still have interest in this build, please continue reading at your leisure.
The strategy
So if you have actually decided to follow this random, incomplete, off-meta mess of a guide, then here's how you might want to play it. since you only get one ban, target Kayn, Hecarim, Nunu & Willump, or Rengar, they will most likely cause the most trouble. if one of them slips through, you have the option to dodge queue or decide on the better build against that champion. you will want the Kite build against Hecarim and Nunu & Willump, but Crown of the Shattered Queen is necessary to stay viable against Rengar and Kayn.

(for jungle beginners)
Against any jungler, make sure you know which side they started, by checking each lane with your map to see who might be at lane late, or have been damaged before arriving to lane. if it's a champion with quick clearing ability, they may do a full clear on their jungle, but you will still want to get to your opposite buff quickly so you can secure it and that side of your jungle before it becomes contested. If you know which side, then they will likely gank the lane at the opposite end of the map, then recall, and clear in the same way again, possibly repeating a gank.

You should clear with a bot leash for quick clear, but this will set their tempo behind, so you may need to consider a gank there after recall.

If you can afford to build for Kiting, farm enough camps for at least Blasting Wand, which will later build into Rylai's Crystal Scepter. once you have the Wand, clear camps again along the same path, for efficiency. Once you have your camps cleared, if none of them respawn again soon, start pathing towards the mostpotentially viable gank, such as the enemy laner being pushed up towards your team's towers. If one of your allies in a pushed up lane has good Crowd Control, you should prioritize that lane if it won't push away before you get there.

If your gank was successful, getting you at least an assist, try to recall for Dark Seal and possibly build towards Bandleglass Mirror.
as with all junglers, keep farming when you can, but after a gank you may have more varied pathing than the first recall because most of your camps are respawned, and you can switch up your pathing to be more efficient, and so that the enemy jungle no longer can track you accurately. Do remember that at this point you may be needing to contest Drakes or the Rift Herald. The Rift Herald is a better investment for time, because you can use it to remove the middle tower and greatly boost your and your midlaner's roam threat.

If you sucessfully stayed relevant into the teamfighting phase, you should have Imperial Mandate to compliment Rylai's and boost your teammate's damage, along with at least stopwatch for surviving burst from their Assassin or Mage champions, or to delay some champion's takedown-reset mechanics. Your goal in teamfights will be to poke enemies before it fully takes off, then to initiate if one of their carries walks up too close, in order to take them down and win the fight before it starts. Once a teamfight is going, peel their Crowd Control champions and try to keep at least one of them off your carry(ies), and to use Fox-Fire(W) to poke as much as possible, and to trigger Rylai's for Imperial Mandate. Prioritize Spirit Rush(R) for escaping, but you can use it and Fox-fire together to try finishing low health targets, and use the bonus cast for escaping over a nearby wall. you should try to hit as many enemies as you can with abilities, to give your teammate's poke more strength.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BattleCatsRoyale
BattleCatsRoyale Ahri Guide
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Jungle Ahri. Yes, really... please don't use this as actual reference, it's still in progress.

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