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Karma Build Guide by TacoLubber

Jungle Tank - The Liviliest

Jungle Tank - The Liviliest

Updated on December 16, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TacoLubber Build Guide By TacoLubber 17 3 70,025 Views 0 Comments
17 3 70,025 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TacoLubber Karma Build Guide By TacoLubber Updated on December 16, 2018
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Runes: Electrocute

Cheap Shot
Zombie Ward
Ravenous Hunter

Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Jungle Tank - The Liviliest

By TacoLubber
Playstyle and Combos


Make sure you set a self cast option in your settings page if you haven't already. Doing so will make it much easier to stick to enemies for that second W proc. I recommend the "Shift + ability" keybind ex: "Shift + E" for a self-cast Karma shield.


This combo is mostly for team fights or for when you want to lock someone down who's attacking you. The Q is for the slow on the enemy and the empowered W will root for longer and heal you. In order to secure the second proc on the W the E is activated so it's not as easy for the enemy to get away. Throughout and after this combo is completed you should be weaving in autos and Qs wherever you can as it will lower your Ultimate's cooldown so long as the casting does not interfere with your W's second proc.

Ganking (Watch those minions):[/h3]
You might be saying to yourself "woah what's with the empowered Q? That's not why I chose this build!" While it is fun to run around healing back all damage dealt, this is the most effective combo used for ganking. In this one you should refrain from using autos until after the second W proc because they will try to flash away you will almost always see a flash in this play especially in the top and bottom lanes as it is so deadly. The empowered Q creates a deadly slow which is easy to follow up on with a W and the shield will almost guarantee a root.

Keep in mind that you are playing a pretty off-meta champion build and you function more as a support than you do as a damage dealer. You are still somewhat squishy due to low armor but that is made up for in runes and in the amount that you can heal for.

So what I am saying here is.. you're Karma, you will still do damage, but I recommend restraint so that you can stay alive and ult your W instead.

Jungle Route

Blue Side

Red Buff--> Wolves--> Blue--> Gromp

This route leaves you with low mana so you will have to either take skuttle and gank or just back

Red Side

Blue--> Gromp--> Red--> gank

provides you with nice health for an early gank
]Blue--> Gromp--> Wolves--> Red--> skuttle--> raptors
A risky route that gets you a lot of gold, might be able to take skuttle after raptors but it depends on your efficiency and starting leash.

Of course gank whenever you can but make sure to farm up because this build has a lot of cost-heavy items.
Ultimate Usage

Empowered Q-

Good for clearing jungle and is great for ganking due to its large slow area, check combos for in depth utilization.

Empowered W-

Insanely good once spirit visage is acquired, in non-ganking situations this should be your go-to. Avoid use when at full health.

Empowered E-

This has even less of a use than empowered Q. Only Use when your team is chasing down the enemies AFTER a team fight OR if your team is getting chased after a lost teamfight.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TacoLubber
TacoLubber Karma Guide
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Jungle Tank - The Liviliest

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