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Poppy Build Guide by AlexProBuilder

Top Just another Poppy oneshotting

Top Just another Poppy oneshotting

Updated on April 13, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AlexProBuilder Build Guide By AlexProBuilder 2,477 Views 0 Comments
2,477 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AlexProBuilder Poppy Build Guide By AlexProBuilder Updated on April 13, 2018
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Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Gathering Storm
Absolute Focus


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Isn't it obvious? All the times some adc oneshot's you while you were playing midlane or jungle, all the times you just couldn't secure the kill for your team...
Well not anymore ! And this build will help you with that!
You won't even need to have a team to gain kills on the enemy adc or midlaner.
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Skill Sequence

So... until so far this seems kinda questionable i guess.
Don't worry though, it really is an build that will carry you all the way to heaven!

Oh, you wanted to know how to play?
here ya go: you try to survive and stall the game until you have completed the core build, followed by you placing an control ward next to the wall near an bush.
You will be inside that bush. When your pre- "cough" i mean enemy ADC comes to take the ward you quickly use your E to stun them and do 1 basic attack, q and deal another basic on them. Usually they adc and midlaner will die with this combo.
If they don't you could try your next game with ignite!
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These items are bound to instantly kill an adc who even dares to walk besides your bush!
and probably even midlaners too, as long as you do a lot of burst damage and deal basic attacks to them that is!
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Pros / Cons

+ TONS of damage
+ Fun
+ No need for a team (you will still need a friend)
- you'll be useless until you're pretty late into the build
- your team wil have no benefit to you
- probably you'll get flamed
- you will need an friend who isn't too ashamedd of you to play with you.
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Team Work

So, teamwork... how am i going to say this?
You'll pretty much be a stationary assasin wwho targets adc's and other squishy's.
Although that doesn't mean you can't participate in a teamfight: flash in the middle of the enemy team and stun their adc, thus killing them. This isn't recomended in hight elo but in low elo this is more than possible.
Also you can make your premade bait some other squishy's if you're out of control wards so that's still possible.
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Ranked Play

Well, I am in bronze 4 but that doesn't matter. (rank is just a colour)
This build wil guaranteed carry your way to elo heaven! After using this build once you won't even need to tryhard if you want to carry games yourself!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AlexProBuilder
AlexProBuilder Poppy Guide
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Just another Poppy oneshotting

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