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Kalista Build Guide by TheLoudCat



Updated on September 20, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheLoudCat Build Guide By TheLoudCat 7 3 47,638 Views 2 Comments
7 3 47,638 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheLoudCat Kalista Build Guide By TheLoudCat Updated on September 20, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    KALISTA MID?!?!?!
  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    PTA Kalista Mid


Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ingenious Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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My name is TheLoudCat im a Silver 3 midlane/jg main i love making ridiculous guides such as this one.
My highest rank was Silver 2.
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Ability Breakdown

Martial Poise
TARGET RANGE: 250 / 300 / 300 / 350
Deal only 90% damage.
Miss if she loses sight of her target before they hit.
Cannot cancel their wind-up except by selecting a new target within range.
Make her lunge in the target direction after issuing a movement command during a wind-up or right after casting Pierce. The lunge distance scales with her boots tier.
The wind-up while dashing is only reduced by 0.66% per 1% bonus attack speed compared to the standard 1% per 1%.

Additionally, Kalista begins the game with The Black Spear, a unique item.
This is what makes you an amazing kiter,but it takes time to get used to it because normally kiting ain't that hard but kiting with Kalista can be hard, i suggest to practice
kiting with her in the practice tool or with friends in a custom game.

SPEED: 2100
COST: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 MANA
10 / 70 / 130 / 190 / 250 (+ 100% AD)
ACTIVE: Kalista hurls a fast and narrow spear, dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit.
If Pierce kills its target, the spear continues onward, transferring all of the dead victim's Rend stacks to the next enemy it hits. This can repeat indefinitely until the spear reaches its maximum distance.
There isn't much to talk about this ability,try using it to either finish them off or to
add another rend stack if needed to finish them off.

RECHARGE TIME: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15% of target's maximum health
PASSIVE - SOUL-MARKED: While Kalista and her Oathsworn are linked, she gains bonus attack damage. Additionally, their basic attacks apply a Soul-Mark to their targets.
If both Soul-Marks are applied within 2 seconds, the target takes bonus magic damage (capped against non-champions), and cannot be Soul-Marked for 10 seconds. Soul-Mark executes minions below 125 health.
Kalista stores a charge of Sentinel periodically, up to a maximum of 2 stored at once.
ACTIVE: Kalista summons a Sentinel by her side to scout the target area.
I find this ability kind of useless imo,but give your spear to either the the jungler or the toplaner,if they are hardcore engagers,give em the spear and the vision part is neat.

COOLDOWN: 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8
20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 60% AD)
25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45%
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
PASSIVE: Kalista's basic attacks and Pierce each lodge a spear in her target for up to 4 seconds, stacking up to 254 times.
ACTIVE: Kalista rips all lodged spears from nearby enemies, dealing physical damage and slowing them for 2 seconds, with spears beyond the first dealing reduced damage.
Rend resets its cooldown and refunds mana if it kills at least one target.
This will be your main damage you max this first,i'll tell you something when you throw at spear at them and it gives you the option to use rend DO NOT USE IT INSTANTLY!Because the more spears inside the more damage it'll deal remember that.
and one tip if you have spear stacks on a minion and spears in the enemy And the spears will kill the minon it'll reset getting the minion and dealing damage to the enemy champ.

Fate's Call
COOLDOWN: 150 / 120 / 90
1.5 / 1.75 / 2
ACTIVE: Kalista invokes her link, retrieving her Oathsworn and placing them in stasis for 4 seconds.
Kalista's Oathsworn can emerge to a target location, stopping at the first enemy hit, knocking up all surrounding enemies and landing themselves at their basic attack range relative to the target hit.
This is great for teamfighting you pick up your oathsworth and throw em at the enemy team
esspecially when you have a yasuo on your team,use this ability to engage in a teamfight.
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Pros / Cons

+ Good Early(only for mid)
+ Amazing at skirmashes
+ Teamfight Ult
+ Amazing Kiter
+ Satisfying when mastered

Kalista is the or one of the best kiters in the whole entire game her passive was pretty much made for kiting,and her early ain't that bad,her 2 item powerspike i nice,and if your teammates ain't a bunch of monkeys and don't ult out of the teamfight,you have a pretty solid ultimate.
- Hard to play
- Other adcs outscale her
- Sucks Late game(only for mid)
- Hard to kite with
- Only CC is ult and E

Like every champ Kalista has her downfalls,such as being the hardest champion to kite with, practice kiting with her in the practice tool,and other adcs are just better than her atm,if your jg isn't gonna camp you, you're practically on your own, and her kit is hard to pick up so the more games you play her the better you get at her.
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YOU TAKE THIS 100% of the time,it offers you a good escape from a sticky situation

This is your go-to summoner spell to surviving and outplaying people,and it gives you survivability in lane

This is for assassins like yasuo,zed,fizz..etc,so they don't burst you 100-0

This is what you take against champs or comps with a lot of cc like zoe,tf,liss,annie...etc
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Press the attack
PASSIVE: Basic attacks against enemy champions apply stacks for 4 seconds. Attacking a new target removes all stacks from the previous target. Applying 3 stacks to a target deals 40 โˆ’ 180 (based on level) bonus Adaptive damage and makes them Exposed for 6 seconds, causing them to take 8% โˆ’ 12% (based on level) increased damage from all subsequent sources (except from true damage).
Basic attacks against an Exposed target do not apply stacks, nor can you apply stacks to another target while one is Exposed.
ADAPTIVE DAMAGE: Deals either physical or magic damage depending on your bonus statistics, defaulting to physical damage.
If you really like being aggresive or a beginner i recommend this because Kalista ain't
easy to play so have this as your starting rune untill you can efficiently kite properly,
but Lethal Tempo is still a better option.

Lethal Tempo
PASSIVE: Damaging an enemy champion begins a 1.5 second timer. Upon completion, you gain 40% - 110% (based on level) bonus attack speed as well as removing the attack speed cap for 3 seconds. Attacking a champion while the effect is active will extend the duration to 6 seconds.
Cooldown 6 seconds
This is your core keystone on Kalista because it has good synergy with your kit,because you can apply your spears for your rend much faster in term dealing more damage with rend.

PASSIVE: Champion takedowns, after a 1-second delay, restore 12% of your missing health and grant an additional Gold 20.
This can save you in sticky situations,and heals you for a decent amount of hp and gives you MONEY.

PASSIVE: Gain 3% (+1.5% per Legend stack) bonus attack speed, up to 18% with 10 stacks.
LEGEND: Gain Legend stacks for every 20 points earned, up to 10:
20 points for champion takedowns
20 points for epic monster takedowns
5 points for large monster kills
1 points for minion kills
This is amazing for Kalista,the attack speed you get is good when it's fully stacked

Coup de Grace
PASSIVE: Deal 7% increased damage to champions below 40% maximum health.
Additionally, you gain 9 bonus Attack Damage or 15 Ability Power (Adaptive) for 10 seconds whenever you score a champion takedown. This bonus does not stack.
ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.
This gives you more damage on your enemies making rend more likely to eliminate the enemy.


Sudden Impact
PASSIVE: Going in combat by affecting an enemy champion within 3 seconds of using a dash, blink or Teleport, or exiting from invisibility or camouflage, grants 7 Lethality and 6 Magic Penetration for the next 5 seconds.
If the triggering effect deals damage it will also benefit from the penetration.
Cooldown 4 (on expiration) seconds
You can easily proc this rune by just autoing and it's good because you're gonna be kiting and you'll do more damage with it.

Ingenious Hunter
PASSIVE: Reduces the cooldown of item actives by 15% (+ 5% per Bounty Hunter stack). This effect also applies to trinkets.
Earn a Bounty Hunter stack for champion takedowns, up to one per unique enemy champion.
On Twisted Treeline, capturing an altar grants a Bounty Hunter stack, up to once per unique altar.
After taking ravenous hunter for a bit, but ingenious hunter is much better because it gives you the ability to use botrk(Blade of the ruined king) more often,and it lowers your


Absolute Focus
PASSIVE: Gain 3 โˆ’ 24 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 5 โˆ’ 40 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive) while above 70% of your maximum health.
ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.
This is the best rune out of the other 2 because:
1.Celerity is useless on Kalista because you don't get any benefits from it.
2.Transcendence is only usefull if you're building CDR items which you don't build on Kalista.

Gathering Storm
PASSIVE: Every 10 minutes, gain (1 per 10 Minutes) stacks of Gathering Storm. Each stack grants 4.8 bonus Attack Damage or 8 Ability Power (Adaptive).
This stacks with no upper limit, for a total of 4.8 โˆ’ โˆž (based on Minutes) AD or 8 โˆ’ โˆž (based on Minutes) AP at 10 โˆ’ โˆž (based on Stacks) minutes.
ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.
First of all you're an adc you scale,and this is your best choice out of the 2 other ones,
Waterwalking ain't good cause you don't roam much as adc,scorch is only usefull if you're
a heavy-poke champion,so gathering storm is your best option.
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Blade of the Ruined King
This is your core item on Kalista,and it gives you good stats esspecially Attack Speed,and that juicy lifesteal and the active gives you better kiting potential.

Berserker's Greaves
These are the best boots for Kalista,the more attack speed the better.

Runaan's Hurricane
This item is AMAZING because you can apply your spears to mulitple targets giving you the ability to teamfight better and speard rend stacks.

Infinity Edge
If they have a tank such as Maokai,Malphite..etc,if they don't have one take guinsoo's,take this as a 3rd item if they have one!

The Bloodthirster
This item gives you disgusting life steal + giving you a slight sheild,take this as a 4th item,with BT you can heal for so much and kite a champ to death,and it has great synergy with Runaans.

Guardian Angel
Take this item as an last or pre-last item because it saves you from assassins or if you **** up it just revives you,giving you time to either escape or finish off the a low hp enemy.

Guinsoo's Rageblade
This item can be used as an alternative to IE (Infinity Edge) cause it gives you that juicy attack speed,it's more on the on-hit path,if you like playing on-hit then this item is for you.

Mercurial Scimitar
If the enemy team has a **** load of CC take a QSS(Quick Silver Sash) for safety,then later on finish into Mercurial.

Mortal Reminder
Take this item 4th or last if they have tons of healing such as soraka,vlad,maokai,adc with lots of lifesteal,,,etc,cause this item helps you take them down much easier.

Lord Dominik's Regards
Take this as a 4th item if they have a lot of armor, because you'll do more damage to them with that sweet armor penetration,and as kalista you;ll be doing more damage.
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September 2nd 2018
- Swapped Ravenous Hunter for Ingenious Hunter.
- Added description for Ingenious Hunter and personal tips.
- Tweaks

September 4th 2018
- Added decriptions for ability usage,
- Tweaks

September 18th 2018
- Added a different rune page
- Updated builds
- Added a description for PTA
- Tweaks
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheLoudCat
TheLoudCat Kalista Guide
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