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Kassadin huge AP (updated)

Kassadin huge AP (updated)

Updated on April 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TorpLover Build Guide By TorpLover 8 8 8,310 Views 10 Comments
8 8 8,310 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TorpLover Build Guide By TorpLover Updated on April 12, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Chapter 1


Well, play him if:
-You want to be a hero who is capable of killing any other hero at mid/late game
-You want to be a hero that can kill squishies in literally 2 seconds
-You want to be able to jump around a team battle damaging (and killing) opposing -support/dpsers
-You want to be a hero who can escape even the deadliest ganks
-You want to be a deadly, silent, teleporting assassin who can pop up anywhere

Kassadin is weak in early game but can be VERY powerfull on mid/late game... On early game just focus on harassing the enemy champions and assisting ur teamates on fights(u gain stacks for ur mejai's also).After gaining your ulti you are able to gang any other mage or dps cause they have low hp and you can easily kill him. Try having your 3d ability ready for cast when ganging someone. Cast your ulti and jump on him first to cause him damage and make him run.Then cast your first ability to silence him and prevent casting any spells, then cast your third ability to slow him.. By then the enemy champion should be dead already xD..Use exhaust and clarity depending on your needs(exaust for causin enemy hero to miss/clarity if you and your mate need mana).

After gangin and killing/assistin your mejai's has many stacks on and your AP is huge enough to kill more and more..So then you built Rod of Ages and Archangel's Staff and then you see on chat enemy summoners to type on all:"OMG kassadin OP" ;)

Built Zhonya's ring and Lich Bane after and then the game ends with a win for you(if it hasn't already xD)

So thats the style of playing Kassadin..AP,Gangs,Kills/assists and of course WIN!!!!

Be carefull though cause you will be the first focus by enemy champions...Use your ulti well to flee and try not to get ganged..Use wards on bushes for your protection and on early game NEVER go alone 1v1!! only with a teamate...


Thanks for reading this guide, I hope it gave a little insight on how to play "Kassadin the AP assasin!". I hope he brings you as many kills and good times as he has me!

I'd love to see some comments and suggestions!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author TorpLover
TorpLover Guide
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