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Kha'Zix Build Guide by whosNFX

Assassin Kha' Zix, The Voidreaver

Assassin Kha' Zix, The Voidreaver

Updated on June 1, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author whosNFX Build Guide By whosNFX 1,618 Views 0 Comments
1,618 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author whosNFX Kha'Zix Build Guide By whosNFX Updated on June 1, 2013
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Kha'Zix is one of the strongest jugnler's in the game. He's know for his far jumps and spikes. Kha'Zix has lots of burst into team fights but other then that Kha'Zix has his great escapes to run from other enemies. Kha'Zix can single out other champions and with his R and W he can chase after any champion he likes.

There's also many downfalls to Kha'Zix's. His early game is really weak, you have a choice to build really tanky first or a lot damage.
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The runes that i have provide let you have satiability in the jungle or when ganking. This also allows you to have big amount of attack damage.
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This materies lets you have a lot of satiability in the jungle with a bit of attack damage but since masteries are not as much as runes, it doesn't really matter.

Reason's why i'm running 9-21-0 and not 21-9-0 is because most people are agressive and cannot regain control after they died. 9-21-0 just makes it save for you and your team.
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Skill Sequence

When ganking make sure your ganks are obscured because if you gank different angles most people don;t expect it. (ex. you gank mid, now their mid laner is gonna think your gonna gank there again)
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Minions Move (1:30)
Start at wolves (1:40)
Complete that and move to blue (1:55)
Go to Wraiths then after wolves should spawn (2:20-2:50)
Finish off wolves and move to red. (3:30)
1) If you're low go back. 2) Start Ganking
After you B and gank, blue side blue buff will spawn.
Leash the Blue for mid lane unless that champions doesn't use mana
(TIP MID LANERS LOVE: leash wraiths for them each time.
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Without your mana for your E theres no escape besides.... FLASH !
Smite will give you a advantage for security on buffs, dragons, minions and baron.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author whosNFX
whosNFX Kha'Zix Guide
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Kha' Zix, The Voidreaver

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