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Kled Build Guide by DylanGz

AD Offtank Kled's Secret Arsenal 1.0

AD Offtank Kled's Secret Arsenal 1.0

Updated on April 8, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DylanGz Build Guide By DylanGz 2,800 Views 0 Comments
2,800 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DylanGz Kled Build Guide By DylanGz Updated on April 8, 2017
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Item Explanation

WARING - (Boots Optional)
Now your wondering, Rageblade? But let me explain.
Black Cleaver- Most common item when slowly breaking down opponents. Its still useful even without champs without armor.
Titanic - Overall great item. Provides health and AoE Damage. Also comes with a great active which comes with alot of damage.
Rageblade - Rageblade is a underrated item for Kled. Its so useful because of the passive which helps with Frozen Mallet, and the stats with it. The 25% attack speed helps with regaining your mount while u kite auto attack. Especially with your W Passive, Rageblade and your W is what makes Kled feel unkillable. TL;DR Rageblade helps with kled when he's dismounted. With rageblade, gaining his mount is so much easier.
Frozen Mallet - Combos well with Kleds W, and Guinsoos Rageblade. Again, the extra health and damage makes Kled wayy to strong.
Boots - Situational
Deaths Dance - Cooldown Reduction helps with W and Q Spam, and the Passive helps with sustain in team fights. Very useful
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DylanGz
DylanGz Kled Guide
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