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Kayle Build Guide by xXTensa Zangetsu

Kleptomamcy kayle, road to glory

Kleptomamcy kayle, road to glory

Updated on November 10, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXTensa Zangetsu Build Guide By xXTensa Zangetsu 11,897 Views 0 Comments
11,897 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xXTensa Zangetsu Kayle Build Guide By xXTensa Zangetsu Updated on November 10, 2017
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so im not a pro kayle player, not by a long shot. but this is what ive come to experience works out best for me when playing her in the toplane. basicly what you want to do is start ur E and farm their ranged minions with that, to get that early xp lead. What you want to do is also harass whoever ur playing vs. remeber kayle early game is quite weak, so the chance of u 1v1'ing pre lv 6-9 is slim. but harass and denie farm and wait for ur power spike wich comes around lvl 6-9. from there on u will most likely be able to get in a 1v1 kill, and if not then just keep on pressuring and denie farm, eventually ul be able to take down their turret and close to that time u would want to be roaming a bit. considering ur whole champ kit is quite decent for roaming. Also REMEMBER use ur w on urself frequently as it will give u slightly more ap out of ur runes. thats basicly what i got, gl guys :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXTensa Zangetsu
xXTensa Zangetsu Kayle Guide
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