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Twitch Build Guide by Kolmorden

Kolmordens Twitch build

Kolmordens Twitch build

Updated on August 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kolmorden Build Guide By Kolmorden 1,366 Views 0 Comments
1,366 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kolmorden Twitch Build Guide By Kolmorden Updated on August 25, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Welcome to kolmordens guid how to play Twitch The plauge Rat Twitch is a Physical carry who relies on inflicting Deadly Venom on his foes, and then using that venom to take them down. Whether opining the game as a jungler or more typical ranged carry, Twitch takes over a game binding his time befor assassinating choice targets or unleshing on an entire enemy team.

This will just be a small guid /build becaus i donĀ“t rally wanna waste that much time on making a rally in depth build.
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Pros / Cons

+Amongst the most powerful AD carries early game
+Really long range abilities
+Difficult for Enemies to escape, because of Venom Cask and Expunge
+Very Strong harasser
+Potential for massive amounts of damage to an entire team!
+Very Fun yo Play as!

-Reliant on a Good team composition in order to effectively use him
-Gets focused in team fights
-No quick escape spells (besides Flash
-Cannot lane bottom without a support
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kolmorden
Kolmorden Twitch Guide
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Kolmordens Twitch build

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