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Runes: Runes for most of the time
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Read the note for skills
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Who I am
Greetings! Allow me to introduce my self. I used to be a master adc in Korean server. In these days, I get replays and tips from Korean progamers and amateur challengers. Then I analyze how they won the game or lost the game and make it into a video. My purpose is simple. To help people with using their champions better and let them achieve the elo they wish to become by watching my videos.
Don't misunderstand. It's NOT elo boosting. It's just giving tips through videos which everyone can look and learn from it.
Don't misunderstand. It's NOT elo boosting. It's just giving tips through videos which everyone can look and learn from it.
Korea is a country that has a skill world-class solo rank. Yet, this user made himself to 6th place in solo rank with Poppy alone. And the reason was that his playstyle is a bit different from others. Now I will tell you about it one by one
1) First, Aery or Grasp of Undying Poppy is VERY powerful in the lane phase
If you have played as a Poppy before, you would know that Q skill's damage is 8% of the enemy's maximum HP and if the enemy gets hit by all 2 hits from Q, that makes 16%. Plus there is additional damaged based on your AD damage which makes it even more strong!
The long ranged attack from Poppy's passive has AP damage and it hurts quite a lot when the damage of Aery or Grasp of Undying goes in together
2) This Poppy doesn't CS!
Not farming means does not mean literal no CS at all.
But when the enemy tries to CS, it constantly deals the opponent with Q. The reason why is to make the enemy's hp low. At a situation when the both top laners CS, this Poppy gives up those minions and keep dealing the enemy. And after then, it denies them from CSing because if they do come in, due to low hp, they will be killed to Poppy.
After then, it aims for a solo kill or force them to recall, push the minion wave fast to burn them and create level gap
Once the Poppy gains control over the Top lane, it pushes the minion wave first and then roam to win the game
3) Poppy is good for roaming plays
Poppy's E is a skill that let's Poppy to charge in, and if the enemy is tackled to the wall, it is stunned. Furthermore, W bounces off enemy's dash skill. The reason why champs like Irelia has hard time with Poppy is because of this. Poppy bounces them off to prevent them from coming close. Not to mention that the enemy has to wait for the cool down for their skill once it got canceled. For these reasons, if you use E on a minion - Q to put slow on the enemy - and then use W, it's a kill unless they have flash. If you have ult, even higher chance of success rate!
After then, just go back to your lane to CS.
This is possible because Poppy has control over the lane thanks to the successful trading at the lane. The enemy cannot push the lane fast even when Poppy is mia. This is because if they do, they could die while doing it because of low hp. So when Poppy disappears, they need to play safe until Poppy appears again. Poppy, knowing this, can fake as if it went for roam or not. Even when the enemy sees Poppy going for a roam and push the wave fast, it can succeed the roam at the mid lane and then come back to the top
This user showed that such play is possible
If you take a look at the video, you will see the reason why
4) It's good for team fight
By bouncing off 1~2 enemies, it can make 3 vs 5 situation at the team fight.
Poppy can also do E tackle to a wall, Q damage and W to prevent dashing skills to peel allies
It's a champ that has a powerful deal, tank the damage, and CC
5) Aery and Grasp of Undying, the difference?
For the champs that are graded highly like Aatrox that can restore hp and has good sustainability, Aatrox can recover the hp in the long run. So using Grasp of Undying and passive at the same time to trade deal slowly allows Poppy to benefit from it. Same with when Poppy is against Urgot. Urgot has better tanking ability with powerful damage at the close combat
But most of the time, it chooses Aery to wear the enemy hp by using passive long range attack and Q, E tackle to a wall if it can + double hits with Q after. And then aim for a solo kill
Even if you lose some CS, you gain more control by trading deal better
It's a little different from normal lane phase we know
6) First item is Bami's Cinder
In order to clear the lane fast with having control over the lane, buy Bami's Cinder.
It also helps dealing more damage during the fight too.
Go for Adaptive Helm or when the AD champs are mixed appropriately in the team, buy Sunfire Cape to empower the consistent fight or to roam after clearing the lane fast.
They key point is to kill the enemy or make a gap in level through trading damage at the early game by having more control(an ability to push the lane faster or able to win 1vs1) over the lane.
Item build orders after then is, Ninja Tabi if the enemies are mostly AD champs, Mercury's Treads if they got a lot of CC, Adaptive Helm if there are champs like Kaisa that has AP dmg with constant damage.
1) First, Aery or Grasp of Undying Poppy is VERY powerful in the lane phase
If you have played as a Poppy before, you would know that Q skill's damage is 8% of the enemy's maximum HP and if the enemy gets hit by all 2 hits from Q, that makes 16%. Plus there is additional damaged based on your AD damage which makes it even more strong!
The long ranged attack from Poppy's passive has AP damage and it hurts quite a lot when the damage of Aery or Grasp of Undying goes in together
2) This Poppy doesn't CS!
Not farming means does not mean literal no CS at all.
But when the enemy tries to CS, it constantly deals the opponent with Q. The reason why is to make the enemy's hp low. At a situation when the both top laners CS, this Poppy gives up those minions and keep dealing the enemy. And after then, it denies them from CSing because if they do come in, due to low hp, they will be killed to Poppy.
After then, it aims for a solo kill or force them to recall, push the minion wave fast to burn them and create level gap
Once the Poppy gains control over the Top lane, it pushes the minion wave first and then roam to win the game
3) Poppy is good for roaming plays
Poppy's E is a skill that let's Poppy to charge in, and if the enemy is tackled to the wall, it is stunned. Furthermore, W bounces off enemy's dash skill. The reason why champs like Irelia has hard time with Poppy is because of this. Poppy bounces them off to prevent them from coming close. Not to mention that the enemy has to wait for the cool down for their skill once it got canceled. For these reasons, if you use E on a minion - Q to put slow on the enemy - and then use W, it's a kill unless they have flash. If you have ult, even higher chance of success rate!
After then, just go back to your lane to CS.
This is possible because Poppy has control over the lane thanks to the successful trading at the lane. The enemy cannot push the lane fast even when Poppy is mia. This is because if they do, they could die while doing it because of low hp. So when Poppy disappears, they need to play safe until Poppy appears again. Poppy, knowing this, can fake as if it went for roam or not. Even when the enemy sees Poppy going for a roam and push the wave fast, it can succeed the roam at the mid lane and then come back to the top
This user showed that such play is possible
If you take a look at the video, you will see the reason why
4) It's good for team fight
By bouncing off 1~2 enemies, it can make 3 vs 5 situation at the team fight.
Poppy can also do E tackle to a wall, Q damage and W to prevent dashing skills to peel allies
It's a champ that has a powerful deal, tank the damage, and CC
5) Aery and Grasp of Undying, the difference?
For the champs that are graded highly like Aatrox that can restore hp and has good sustainability, Aatrox can recover the hp in the long run. So using Grasp of Undying and passive at the same time to trade deal slowly allows Poppy to benefit from it. Same with when Poppy is against Urgot. Urgot has better tanking ability with powerful damage at the close combat
But most of the time, it chooses Aery to wear the enemy hp by using passive long range attack and Q, E tackle to a wall if it can + double hits with Q after. And then aim for a solo kill
Even if you lose some CS, you gain more control by trading deal better
It's a little different from normal lane phase we know
6) First item is Bami's Cinder
In order to clear the lane fast with having control over the lane, buy Bami's Cinder.
It also helps dealing more damage during the fight too.
Go for Adaptive Helm or when the AD champs are mixed appropriately in the team, buy Sunfire Cape to empower the consistent fight or to roam after clearing the lane fast.
They key point is to kill the enemy or make a gap in level through trading damage at the early game by having more control(an ability to push the lane faster or able to win 1vs1) over the lane.
Item build orders after then is, Ninja Tabi if the enemies are mostly AD champs, Mercury's Treads if they got a lot of CC, Adaptive Helm if there are champs like Kaisa that has AP dmg with constant damage.
A lot of Korean users have raised their elos by watching my videos and reading my articles.
I hope all the people at here be able to achieve their elo goal through my articles and videos too. I would like to let you experience thew new world through my analysis of amateur masters and Korean progamers' replays and videos.
Thank you for reading this long article and you can see the video of this Poppy through the link below. ENG SUB is provided
If you have any questions, please ask through comments at here or at my YouTube
Thank You!
Korean Challenger 6th place Poppy Master's Secret
This player's record
I hope all the people at here be able to achieve their elo goal through my articles and videos too. I would like to let you experience thew new world through my analysis of amateur masters and Korean progamers' replays and videos.
Thank you for reading this long article and you can see the video of this Poppy through the link below. ENG SUB is provided
If you have any questions, please ask through comments at here or at my YouTube
Thank You!
Korean Challenger 6th place Poppy Master's Secret
This player's record
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