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Leona Build Guide by Rawbloods

Tank Leona Builds - Support - Mid - Jungle

Tank Leona Builds - Support - Mid - Jungle

Updated on December 10, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rawbloods Build Guide By Rawbloods 2,701 Views 0 Comments
2,701 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rawbloods Leona Build Guide By Rawbloods Updated on December 10, 2013
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Leona Early game into mid and late Game

Leona playes verry passiev and try's to use her relic well until the first cannon minnion coms when the cannon minnion dies from ur relic basic attack u will hit lvl 3, from lvl 3 leona can start playing rlly agro and punish there ac or support for miss placment and give away first blood to your adc.

early game leona is a decent tower diver when maxed W and stacked chain vest early.
Mid game leona Destroye anny one's with her cc burst and the damage coming from ehre team
Late game : leona jus tcant die annymore ur the biggest tank around with your w and utlity
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rawbloods
Rawbloods Leona Guide
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