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Volibear Build Guide by Diamondkid

Let Voli Troll

Let Voli Troll

Updated on May 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Diamondkid Build Guide By Diamondkid 1,713 Views 0 Comments
1,713 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Diamondkid Volibear Build Guide By Diamondkid Updated on May 28, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Volibear
  • LoL Champion: Volibear
  • LoL Champion: Volibear
  • LoL Champion: Volibear

Which bear for what?

The first one is the twisted treeline build
Second is volibear support in bottom Summoners rift.
Third is Volibear top
Fourth is for when your team has low ap because of noobs and trolls this will solve the problem when there are other tanks on your team,, Never mana ending volibear xD
Wish i was the best jungle but im the worst so i wont post the best way to jungle volibear :/ These builds are done supposing you are facing a balanced team with pretty heavy CC
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Ok This is my volibear guide Hope u Like it

I play volibear quite a lot and i play him as a carry in 3v3 and many ways in 5v5. I play this builds in my aggresive nature and always get a kill and a half before dying. Im not that pro and my elo is fair.... but i would like to see a pro using this builds and owning people with it this build is easy to handle not much experience needed to get kills just run towards them ult flip slow flip slow between your minions and they will die since creeps do make a good wall and volibear is Huuuge :).
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Im a average player that plays twisted more often since small games are my favorite (small laning phase) then its just team work. But about Volibear he is a champ that can carry on its own with enough farm and ive holded on my own various times versus 2 & 3 champs and come out with more than half hp due to passive and my high dps ratio.
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I included none in the builds since you pick them when you got extra money wards and pots come to your opinions and judgement based on lane work, teamwork, is your partner really squishy, current problems to farm and is their ganker good at it if not just follow as prescribed.
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Just basic runes to use
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Grab max movement speed for catching even the fastest of foes dont take honor guard since when are you ever gonna take more than 500 damage in 1 hit to make it effective in reducing 7 damage
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Skill Sequence

Easy disrupt their team with Q then E W and their life will drop to your arms since this is your farm harrass and main source of damage in small fights until you get your ult. Hard to loose a trade with mosts ad since ur so tanky and doing so much damage low levels constantly. This not applicable to top laning phase
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Pros / Cons

    Tanky enough to dive turrets low level (possible at level 1)
    Huge team work damage with ult
    Enemies hate your bites since true damage is scary to them
    Carries tend to go crazy after you Q them with ult
    You just go in and hit people
    You farm in team fights
    Nobody says wtf are you building after they see the results

    Underleveled? oh no you cant carry any longer
    When you troll too much and you fall behind you will let your team down
    If you die constantly you will not stay long enough in fights to execute your damage
    Dont try it if you are really passive because this build is made for harass get fed early/ mid game when you are op.
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the big drawback to Volibear should i harass or farm??? you only get so much mana for this same reason i farm when the enemies are inside their creep wave to save mana and get the needed gold you will go Back many times in the game but isn't it worth it when you got a kill a second ago?

Farm go b come with boots and lifesteal if you can harass kill or have them b hit turret go b buy W ever you need to counter them from the build items
hp= mr and true damage with W
armor = presence in teamfights
ap = harass damage early to mid game
ad is for late game when their carries are still squishy jump in and dont let them heal more than whatever damage you deal to them.

You will go b with all exept ap Volibear
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The item builds

The builds do vary as in you will not follow the order or maybe even the build if you are facing a different kind of team like tryn riven cait and ashe on the other team pls dont build magic resist and down vote the guide for the fails.
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Feel free to comment like and show your opinions and even dislike if you tried it and failed I will do my best to make this guide better with reinforced comments i will check this guide within a week or so to answer any questions.
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