Basically in 12.23 Aatrox is really strong. But Aatrox weak in early lvls, you need to abuse his big cd on Q and trade with him when its on cd. Try to farm as much as you can, he never outscale you. After lvl 6 be careful cause he can burst you from 70-80 % hp.
Dr. Mundo
In 12.23 he strong asf. Be careful about his Q's. Try to farm and poke him with E Q. Try to not get kited by him cause if you loose too much hp you're risk to die. At lvl 6 you can try to burst him.
Pretty skill matchup. I recommend to take ignite. Take dshield and second wind. If you have stacked q and vital close to fiora you can bait her to q you and you q her. After 6 try to freeze and be careful about her burst. If she ult you hug a wall and dont let her proc vital.
Skill matchup. Poke him, dodge his e with your e. At lvl 6 you can burst him.
Take dshield and second wind. Dodge his barrels. Dont come close if he have passive up. Dont take too much poke from his q's. At lvl 6 if you have wave under your turret you can kill him.
Same as Aatrox he have weak first lvls. Try to trade with him when his W and E on cd. After 6 he becomes really strong, so try to freeze under tower and scale.
Try to farm until lvl 3. Dodge his Q's with your E. Poke with Q E. Don't come close to him while your E on cd. Never let him freeze under the turret, one mistake and you're dead. After lvl 6 you can be more agressive but be careful with his stacks and try to kite him with your ult.
If she get W on lvl 1 just go into her with your E and try to cheese her, get off when she get her shield. Look for poke, trade when her shield on cd. When you trading try to get off when her 2nd q charged. Keep in mind that she can dodge your R3 with her ult.
Poke him, if he start running at you with his Q just Q E back. Try to all in him when his W and E on cd. After 6 be careful about his ult+ignite. Try to not loose too much hp after 6 cause he can oneshot you if you're lower 60-70 % hp.
Try to farm as much as you can. Dodge his W, try to all in when its on cd. Mostly you should poke him and abuse his cd's. For easier trade try to bait his E.
Stupid and boring matchup. Mostly it depends on teemoplayer, but in most cases its just hardstuck who tries counter you. Farm as much as you can under turret without losing too much hp. Try to poke him when his Q on cd, try to all in at lvl 6 when he waste his Q. Try to call a junger for help, if he losed his flash he is just a meat for ganks.
Be careful about his damage+ignite. Just poke him and keep him on low hp. Farm and tack enemy jungler. Get off when he uses his W. Wait till he uses Q on cs, than you can trade. When he ulted just shove wave as fast as you can and take the plates.
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