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Lucian Build Guide by SkillshotGG

AD Carry Lucian - 200% Wifestolen

AD Carry Lucian - 200% Wifestolen

Updated on October 8, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SkillshotGG Build Guide By SkillshotGG 1,686 Views 0 Comments
1,686 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SkillshotGG Lucian Build Guide By SkillshotGG Updated on October 8, 2013
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Like any other guide maker I'll start by introducing myself, my name is SkillshotGG, and no it’s not me being a hotshot want to be. It’s my contribution to saying good bye to my old favorite League professional. Anyway, I am a 80% win rate utility based “marksman” main and I took a liking to the new champ Lucian.
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Basics of Lucian

Unlike other champions Lucian has a very unforgiving early game, causing him to be hated among the marksman and general League community but I've found a great way to play him. First off, if you want to win you won’t get ballsy before 6 or you WILL LOSE. Another thing to remember is Lucian is a very farm heavy champ, and personally I believe if you aren't hitting the 100 cs mark by at least 15 minutes, you will lose. Personally I take a liking to a support who has very reliable CC and engage or a support with a lot of harass but still has that cc, a few examples are Janna and Leona. But I know all you’re here for my personal build, runes and masteries so your wish is my command.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SkillshotGG
SkillshotGG Lucian Guide
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Lucian - 200% Wifestolen

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