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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Riley scepter will give u better chance to survive in game and give ur Q some dmg.
after u finish phantom dancer and infinity edge u don't have to build blood thirsty and hurricane. depend on the game, u can get more health or more ap. but I think get blood thirsty and hurricane is the best because it give u more life steal and attack speed.
after u finish phantom dancer and infinity edge u don't have to build blood thirsty and hurricane. depend on the game, u can get more health or more ap. but I think get blood thirsty and hurricane is the best because it give u more life steal and attack speed.
when u use lulu, there plenty of way, how to use her. people usually use her Q to harass other champion but if the skill can reach them, u can put her E on some minions and then use ur Q to increase range. when u reach lv 6, and have ur ult, u can beat any ap in the game, by using combo, Q enemy then W on ur self run to them and then E on ur self with ur ad dmg I think u can kill any ap champion. incase if enemy champion is fed or like kat ult u can ult ur self to have more survival chance.
if u get ganked by some champion, just W ur self and run, if they kept on chasing use ur Q to slow them down then continue running. if they tower dive u, u know what to do slow them down then ult ur self
if u get ganked by some champion, just W ur self and run, if they kept on chasing use ur Q to slow them down then continue running. if they tower dive u, u know what to do slow them down then ult ur self
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