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Morgana Build Guide by orogenz

Support Malphite and Soraka had a love child

Support Malphite and Soraka had a love child

Updated on December 18, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author orogenz Build Guide By orogenz 7,018 Views 0 Comments
7,018 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author orogenz Morgana Build Guide By orogenz Updated on December 18, 2020
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Runes: Malphite in a dress

1 2
Font of Life

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Malphite and Soraka had a love child

By orogenz
Aftershock>> Commet
Unless you want to go AP aftershock provides better benefits. Early on it makes you more tanky helping you survive tougher lanes/ all ins.
Late game the extra aftershock tank stats should allow you to chase people with your ult, ensuring they don't walk out if you Zhonya's asap.
Moonstone is really easy to abuse with your W. I recommend going for it's health components first as that extra 20ap won't be doing that much damage. An early fairy charm helps with your W spam
Shurelyas or Locket or Moonstone
Moonstone works best when versing or playing with tanks. Shurelyas is if you're the only engage on the team. I'd invest in a second item Zhonya's then. Locket is the way to go if you're against assasins you deem a threat. Locket a Katarina's ult and you're good luv. If they're not fed don't bother.
Make sure you are building healing reduction if your team needs it. You proc it very well with W and Demonic burn damage. Since you're not building damage its better no one else cripples their's.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author orogenz
orogenz Morgana Guide
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Malphite and Soraka had a love child

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