Build Guide by iamfart12345
Malphite AP SUP Guide (Control Your Enemies) (Dominate As The Sigma Of The Alpha Male)
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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Every time, do not listen if anyone tells you to change, you have to dominate.
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
If she times her E on her ADC she fully counters you. disgusting champ
If he ults first you cannot miss your ult so it is 100% kill no matter what.
If he ults first you cannot miss your ult so it is 100% kill no matter what.
Champion Build Guide
AP Malphite Sup, Welcome!
Hello, My name is Potarisha, I've been playing malphite for a really long time and I have never played tank malph in my life and I am certain that I will never, AP is the only way to go and enjoy this champion, Your only job in the game is to disable the enemy ADC completely, you can literally one shot adcs at any stage of the game except early (maybe if they are like half hp and they get cocky enough to stay after your 6)
6. This number.... This number is your most important thing in your life now, your game strategy is very simple, all you have to do is play extremely passive until 6.
You need to only poke enemies after level 4 or 3 (2 POINTS IN Q!) and only poke with your first strike up as the mana cost is mostly not worth the damage.
Once you reach level 6, it is game over. You just have to time your ult with your ADC's engage as well, you could end up killing enemy ADC without giving your ADC any assist which can cause tilting.
Also, when you are buying luden's stuff, buy Blasting Wand, and amplifying tome, you do not neeed that much mana as your only poke is Q with first strike up after you put 2 points in Q.
After your most important item (Horizon Focus) You can literally one shot enemy ADC anytime possible unless they start building to counter you, you will always kill them with a full combo (R+AUTO+W+Q+E)
Now there might be some smart*** ADCS that will try to build stuff to counter you (Zhonya, Edge of Night, Maw of Malmortius <-(worst one to deal with), Supports who build knights vow, Banshee's Veil)
But, no worries, all you have to do is play accordingly, for example,
Edge of Night: Get rid of the shield with Q or wait till someone in your team does.
Zhonya: If they waste it to block your ult then it is worth it most of the time as your ult cooldown is way lower than Zhonya's, plus if you ever see them wasting it do not hestiate on spot.
Maw of Malmortius: Build a lot and a lot of Magic Penetration and back off when they have the shield.
Now one last very important thing, ONLY ULT WHEN YOUR FIRST STRIKE IS UP, NEVER ULT IF IT'S NOT UNLESS ITS A GAME LOSING SITUATION, The 7% extra damage from it combined with Horizon Focus 10% more damage is the reason you one shot ADCS.
Enjoy Free LP friends.
6. This number.... This number is your most important thing in your life now, your game strategy is very simple, all you have to do is play extremely passive until 6.
You need to only poke enemies after level 4 or 3 (2 POINTS IN Q!) and only poke with your first strike up as the mana cost is mostly not worth the damage.
Once you reach level 6, it is game over. You just have to time your ult with your ADC's engage as well, you could end up killing enemy ADC without giving your ADC any assist which can cause tilting.
Also, when you are buying luden's stuff, buy Blasting Wand, and amplifying tome, you do not neeed that much mana as your only poke is Q with first strike up after you put 2 points in Q.
After your most important item (Horizon Focus) You can literally one shot enemy ADC anytime possible unless they start building to counter you, you will always kill them with a full combo (R+AUTO+W+Q+E)
Now there might be some smart*** ADCS that will try to build stuff to counter you (Zhonya, Edge of Night, Maw of Malmortius <-(worst one to deal with), Supports who build knights vow, Banshee's Veil)
But, no worries, all you have to do is play accordingly, for example,
Edge of Night: Get rid of the shield with Q or wait till someone in your team does.
Zhonya: If they waste it to block your ult then it is worth it most of the time as your ult cooldown is way lower than Zhonya's, plus if you ever see them wasting it do not hestiate on spot.
Maw of Malmortius: Build a lot and a lot of Magic Penetration and back off when they have the shield.
Now one last very important thing, ONLY ULT WHEN YOUR FIRST STRIKE IS UP, NEVER ULT IF IT'S NOT UNLESS ITS A GAME LOSING SITUATION, The 7% extra damage from it combined with Horizon Focus 10% more damage is the reason you one shot ADCS.
Enjoy Free LP friends.
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