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Runes: into good matchups
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Manamune tank wukong explanation
Ok so the idea is pretty simple, you take ingenious hunter so that you stack tear faster and get more sheen procs, buy sheen early then sell it later or turn it into essence reaver if you feel like, manamune does a lot of dmg and tank items make you really tanky, so when you combine you become this tanky meatball that does a lot of dmg and rolls over the enemy
this is very much a for fun build and you do lose some power in the early game but if you do well with it it's pretty good
this is very much a for fun build and you do lose some power in the early game but if you do well with it it's pretty good
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