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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Take 3 rejuv and double MR into her, and just try to survive. She can Trade with you in ways where there is no recourse. If you can bait out her shroud, when it's down is the only chance you have to possibly fight her. I would consider her a first or second priority for bans, in both mid and top lane. Akali did get nerfed in 10.3, but then they did a micropatch buff, so she is still worth the ban.
Leblanc can reliably burst you, and kite you with her W's to the point where you can never kill her. Take Triple Rejuv, hope to survive, and try to effect the map in other ways.
Take 3 rejuv beads against her. Don't stand near minions so she can't poke and push at the same time. Do what you can to force out her charm, then she doesn't do much against you. Once you force her charm, then you can force her ult, which gives you a chance to make a play.
Take double MR rune stats vs her with a Dorans shield start and make sure to stay behind minions so you don't get bubbled. If she misses her bubble, she has no way to stop you from getting on top of her and killing her. Watch out for the random ignites that she gets from minions. Take cleanse vs her, and you can just cleanse the bubble and run her down. Strongly consider cleanse as an option in this matchup.
Good anivia players will wall you if you use your spin and get a full combo off on you. If you can dodge her stuns she is a fairly easy matchup. Make an effort to roam post 6, and don't blow your spin until she burns her Q.
Good anivia players will wall you if you use your spin and get a full combo off on you. If you can dodge her stuns she is a fairly easy matchup. Make an effort to roam post 6, and don't blow your spin until she burns her Q.
Aurelion Sol
Phase Rush Makes this matchup fairly easy. Spin into him past his orbs, and you can get a decent amount of damage on him before he can eventually proc his own Phase Rush.
It's practically impossible to get on top of him until level 6, and even then it's hard to actually kill him. He can often 1v2 if he gets ahead of you, and it's easy for him to deny you. Just farm it out until 6 and you should be able possibly get onto him or just outskirmish him and getting leads through playing with your team. Take Triple Rejuv beads, and wait for ganks. Make sure you tank the turret during the gank with your ult. If you get a small lead on him, you can easily kill him through all of his damage.
He can very easily poke you out, and if you try to get onto him he can just stun you and speed away. If he doesn't take phase rush, it can be much easier to get on top of him. If he ever blows his E, you can fairly easily kill him. Heavily consider taking Legend: Tenacity into this matchup, as it will help not getting perma-stunned. Can be extreme matchup if he uses phase rush.
This is the ultimate cheese champion. In a pure 1v1, there isn't much you can do, but she is vulnerable to ganks. If you get ahead, your slow should be enough to let you get onto her and kill you before she can poke you down. This matchup is best to call jungle assistance for. Whoever uses their E first will lose. If she uses hers on you, you can spin on her and engage and there isn't much she can do. Phase Rush makes this matchup much easier.
Take boots vs her and if you don't get poked out you can run her down rather easily. Can be extreme if she goes phase rush and use it correctly.
Take triple Rejuv beads, and at level 6, if you aren't too low, spin on him, wait out the blind, and then you should be able to kill him. You also have a chance level 1, especially if he takes poison to kill/pressure him. Can be uncatchable if he goes phase rush.
Her vitals and the MS they give allow her to often have great windows to freely trade with you, and her Parry has a major attack speed slow attached to it, so she also has decent protection against all ins. If you can dodge the parry, you can attempt to go for a trade on her. Try to block off vitals so she doesn't get free harrass. If you back out far enough from her, the vital will reset and hopefully go into a position where she can't proc it easily.
This matchup is generally going to leave you under your turret the entire time. Try to get your tiamat and farm up as much as possible, then it will be possible to engage on him after level 6 and your first back, especially if you can bait out his stun. Be careful when ganking him, because he can often turn around and kill you or your jungler, or both. Tank the turret during ganks with your ult, and once you get a small lead on him, you should be able to kill him. If he burns grenade, he has no way of stopping you from killing him. Try to make him burn it.
Her W stops your E spin, and she can trade with you very well, especially if you let her get a wall stun. It's really easy for you to get ganked against poppy, so be aware of that. Try to fight her just using auto attacks, and use short spins so that she can't react in time to pop her W and knock you up. She can also get very tanky very quickly, preventing you from being able to realistically create windows to kill her if you don't get ahead.
Yone is one of the most frustrating champions in the game to play against. You have to focus on getting a lead early, since at a certain point he becomes relatively unkillable due to his safety. He can pop your ult for free with nearly 0 followup. This matchup is much better if you can dodge a Q or 2, as it stops him from getting his knockup dash.
Take Triple Rejuv beads against Azir. Spin between him and his tower and he won't be able to shuffle to safety. Can be Major after 6 if he trades correctly.
He can poke you from range, and then knock you back when you attempt to engage. This is a particularly great matchup for Phase Rush , since it will give you enough MS to catch him to him and kill him, despite all of his safety tools. Always be hyper conscious of his shockblast. If you dodge that reliably, he doesn't do enough damage to force you out of lane. If he tries to harrass you enough and you aren't too low, he is easy to engage upon when he is OOM. The later the game goes on, the easier this matchup becomes, provided you aren't too far behind. Can be Major if he uses phase rush.
Lucian is a very powerful early laner, and if left alone, he can completely poke you out of lane and make you irrelevant. A single jungle gank will help you survive this matchup. Try to farm as much as you can without getting poked out of lane. If you don't get too far behind, you quickly outpace him in fights.
In this matchup, New morde is a complete stat check champion. You are either stronger than he is, or you aren't. You should win this most of the time if you are even, and it's fairly easy to gank him pre 6. Post 6, he is very hard to gank as he can just ult one person and make it a 1v1. Think about saving spin so you can dodge his pull, as that's his strongest ability.
Pantheon isn't too hard as long as you don't take too much free damage early. Try to force out his Q's by faking going for a CS, then you would be able to CS freely. Pantheon is very easy to gank for, so be careful of that.
This champion's early harrass is very strong, so don't stand in his fire without getting anything in return. Try to dodge the harpoons, and engage onto him when they are down if you aren't too low by that point. This matchup is all about playing around his cooldowns, so punish him whenever he uses them without efficacy. Will often rush Zhonyas into you, so be careful when trying to set up a dive against him.
Early levels you are stronger than him, and attempt to spin on him as much as possible. Don't stand near your minions that has his E on them, so he doesn't get free harrass onto you without committing. This matchup can be very hard if you play it passively, so make sure to engage before he can poke you down. Phase Rush Makes this matchup much easier, since he can't kite you.
Don't let him use his rake to both clear the wave and harass you, and don't get hit by both parts of the rake, or he can dash onto you and chunk you for a very large amount of your health.
Twisted Fate
As a gold card is being thrown at you, you can spin through it, and the stun will happen during your spin duration, meaning you effectively aren't stunned at all. You can also queue up an auto attack, which can happen during the stun duration if you time it right. TF players will tend to overextend when they have gold card, because they feel like they are in a safe position. Don't let him harrass you while clearing with red card, and every time he attempts to roam and you can't follow, hard push the wave and take some turret platings.
He can poke you down fairly easily if you just let him. Don't let him get both parts of his empowered auto ability off on you, and try to engage on him when it's down. When you spin on him, immediately start moving between him and his tower, since he is going to place his gravity well under him. Phase Rush can be great in this matchup, since you don't get slowed by Gravity well, and have more than enough MS to keep up with him and kill him. Just don't get poked out before you are strong enough to do any of this. It's okay to give up some CS if needed.
Be careful around minions, as he can easily kite you. Save your spin until he has nowhere else to dash to, and fight him whenever he is away from the nearest wave. After Tiamat, you can pop his passive shield without committing anything, and he becomes a very squishy champion after that. Try to dodge his Q's, and bait them out as often as possible. the best time to engage on him is right after he uses his tornado, since it will take the longest for it to come back up. He generally wins the early levels, but post lvl 4, and especially after tiamat, this matchup becomes much easier.
can be Extreme later when he perma spamms cc and slow
This matchup can be very annoying if she keeps landing roots. Save your spin always to dodge the roots, as that is where 90% of her damage stems from. Be diligent about who she is cloned as. It's really easy for her to get a 5 man stun when you are doing baron because you thought it was the enemy top lane tank going into the pit
Darius is the ultimate noob stomping champion. He will absolutely punish you if you take him lightly. When trading, don't let him get 5 stacks onto you, or you will auto lose the fight early. take shorter trades, and punish him if he uses abilities to try to harrass you or to CS. Make sure to keep spin up, because if he pulls you when it's down, you are all but dead. Be aware of his Conq stacks too. Don't let him get free Q heals in lane, even if it means giving up CS. Once you get enough items, you should be able to simply beat him in fights.
This champion has major all in potential. If you use your spin freely, and he gets his rope onto you, it's all but 100% death pre lvl 6. Try to always either dodge the rope, or avoid the second proc of it. When you dismount him, if you don't have enough damage quickly enough, he can remount before you have a chance to kill him. don't commit too hard if you aren't sure you can kill him before he gets his remount, because then you will die.
This rock can be killed early, especially if he goes a comet dorans ring start to try to harrass you out of lane. To win this matchup, you need to go aggressively as possible early. The later the game gets, the more impossible it becomes to kill him. If you don't snowball against him, you have to make clever map rotations to try to take fights or turrets when he isn't there, since you will end up doing 70 DMG crits with a full build. This matchup is a ticking time bomb, but most people who play this champion against you are just trying to counter you, and will likely think they are unstoppable, so you can punish that cockiness. Try to force him to use his groundslam without hitting you, then you can go in for very decent trades with him. Also note that most people are playing this to counter you, not because they are experienced with the champion. Often times every malphite you face will have less than 5 games played on the champion. Can be Extreme later
Take very small trades with Sett, as his 4 punch combo is stronger than what you can do early. Once you hit 6, get him low enough, and you should be able to kill him faster than his healing can do anything. Don't get hit by W's for free, especially when they are charged. If you are fighting him, make sure to go behind him during this, then move back to stop his ult escape.
This champion is the ultimate cheese champion. He will constantly be jumping in and out of the brush, getting fairly free damage onto you. If you are able to generate enough fury without getting whittled down by him, you should be able to win a trade. If you stand next to the brush all game, though, expect to lose this matchup very easily. If you can, kite the minions away from the brush as they come to lane, and he will have a much harder time getting in and out of the brush. If you try to spin on him while he is walking into the brush, he will just leap to a minion and disengage from you, so try to avoid that.
Try to bait out her cooldowns, and go for an auto spin away with her when you are trading with her. Fight her when her cooldowns are down early. Post 6, if you aren't behind, you should be able to win a straight up fight. Don't use spin first when fighting her generally, because she can just stun you can escape with ease.
Be careful around minions, as he can easily kite you. Save your spin until he has nowhere else to dash to, and fight him whenever he is away from the nearest wave. After Tiamat, you can pop his passive shield without committing anything, and he becomes a very squishy champion after that. Try to dodge his Q's, and bait them out as often as possible. the best time to engage on him is right after he uses his tornado, since it will take the longest for it to come back up. He generally wins the early levels, but post lvl 4, and especially after tiamat, this matchup becomes much easier.
Consider getting Executioners early, as you can cut down a significant amount of his combat power. Try to bait him to take your ult, and then don't fight him until it expires. Sylas can't heal after the ult expires if he doesn't have anybody near him, so you can ignite him before his Trynd ult expires, and back away from him so he has nothing to heal off of.
Don't trade with her early levels, and you can eventually outscale her. DON"T FIGHT HER LVL 1.
Not particularly hard to face him, just make sure to attempt to dodge his knockups, and you can use spin aggressively to engage while you dodge. Abuse Phase Rush MS to dodge any additional Q's after you spin in.
Try to stay away from minions so that he can't clear minions at the same time he is harrassing you. Once you get tiamat, you can often tank his stun with your spin and all in him. If he misses his stun, he has no way of stopping you from running him down.
This matchup goes from one of your hardest, to one of your easiest if you take phase rush. The entire point of this champion is to kite you, and when you have phase rush, you can't be kited. Her W is useless, as you can just run right past it easily and get your spin off. If you take Q poke in lane, back off a bit, so she can't follow up with Twin Fangs.
Nobody plays this champ lmao. When he has his package immediately force a trade on him to make him burn it defensively. Otherwise he is a free dive with your ult and ghost. With triple rejuv bead he shouldn't be able to poke you out of lane unless you facetank everything. He's been given buffs, but they don't mean anything.
She can definitely do enough damage to kill you pre 6, but if you don't let her sit on you and do damage, you should easily be able to win. Try to bait out her shield by auto > spinning away, then going back in next cooldown. New diana stat checks you for a bit, especially before you have ult. If you can burn her cooldowns, you should be able to win a fight with her. Trade with her after she uses her shield, and right after she does her third auto attack.
He is a very slippery champion who can often easily trade onto you and you can't react if you don't prepare for it. If you make sure to not get hit by his slower troll pole at the end of his trade, you should be able to survive until you find an opening to kill him
Galio is definitely much harder after his recent changes. he can very easily 100-0 you and overall outtrade you from early on. If you go on him early when he has all cooldowns up, he will win the trade. Wait for him to use his Q to farm or harrass and then jump on him. When you are going out from a trade, his charge is much faster than your spin now, so you have to spin much earlier in the animation to dodge it.
GP is one of the freer lanes for Trynd, but can be hard if you play passively, and let him poke you out. Try to kill the barrels, and engage onto him, and there isn't much he can do. He can cleanse your slow, so be aware of that, but if he uses it for your slow, he can't cleanse the ignite.
Great Irelia players will try to constantly kite you around with minions, while gaining passive and conqueror stacks, and waiting for a good chance to get you. Generally, don't use your spin when she has her Q up near a wave, because then she can easily kite and dash around you. Aside from that, just keep auto attacking her until she dies, and save your spin to dodge the stun.
Be aware of where she throws her daggers, and if she can trade on you freely without giving you a chance to answer. You can often try to bait her by standing on her daggers and forcing her to take several autos if she wants to use them. Be diligent in telling your team where she is, because no matter how far ahead you get on her, she can still roam bot and get a triple kill and be back into the game.
Her waveclear is much weaker than her peak. You can go into her, and her root doesn't actually stop you from damaging her. Don't let her freely poke you without any recourse, or you will be behind the entire lane. Play this lane fairly aggressively, and you will have few issues. Don't let her waveclear and harrass you at the same time with her Q. Great gank assistance, so watch out for a jungler camp.
She generally won't have any pressure on you unless you go into her with her snare up and you can't dodge it. Try to bait out her snare then spin onto her. After tiamat you can beat her pushing ability, and will generally have an easy time roaming and stealing enemy jungle camps. She is good for setting up jungle ganks, so don't put yourself in a position to get snared if you aren't sure where the jungler is.
Spin away from the fear. Make sure you are away from the minions he hits when his passive is up, because the free damage can add up quickly. You can fight him between passive procs. Don't let him roam to other lanes for free. If he does go for a side lane gank after a back, punish him by taking several turret platings.
This champion can absolutely poke you out, and after a few levels she can quickly push the wave and roam much faster than you. Remember to ping roams in advance, and just push the turret if you can't show up on time. Her Q isn't AOE, so be sure to stand behind minions. Be aware of spinning into her when her W is on the ground, because it deals a massive amount of damage. If you can dodge seismic shove, she has no tools to stop you from killing her. Try to bait it out, then engage on her when it's down.
Try to stay above 50% health, or he can potentially all in you. Don't stay near your minions and force him to make a decision between poking you, and CSing from range. Try to contest him for CS, especially when he doesn't have cooldowns up.
She is is very all in champion that can't particularly out trade you, especially after lvl 6. Don't let her get her charged Q damage onto you, and you should be fine. When she uses her W to try to harrass, you can spin into her to not take damage or the slow, and it's hard for her to outtrade you at that point. She is a decent champ for gank assistance, so watch out for the jungle camp when against this champion.
Historically a very annoying champion, but not as strong anymore. If you can land the slow on him, you should be able to get the distance to trade with him in Mini Gnar, especially if you can get him when his boomarang is down. Phase Rush Makes this matchup incredibly easy, since he can't kite you at all. Don't trade with him when he's getting ready to go mega.
His body slam is a decent disengage tool, but overall, you should be able to trade with him despite that. Try to save your spin til he uses body slam, so he doesn't have any hard CC to peel you off of him. Can be unkillable if he goes phase rush
He can poke you from range, and then knock you back when you attempt to engage. This is a particularly great matchup for Phase Rush , since it will give you enough MS to catch him to him and kill him, despite all of his safety tools. Always be hyper conscious of his shockblast. If you dodge that reliably, he doesn't do enough damage to force you out of lane. If he tries to harrass you enough and you aren't too low, he is easy to engage upon when he is OOM. The later the game goes on, the easier this matchup becomes, provided you aren't too far behind. Can be hard against phase rush Jayce.
This little rat is one of the most annoying champions to play against. He has great harrass, and whenever you try to engage onto him, he can just stun you can Pikachu away with his E. If you are able to bait it out, however, there is a good window to being able to kill him. If he does the AP build, he will be much weaker in the 1v1, so you should be able to beat him there. If he gets ahead and goes an AD or gunblade build, however, you are honestly best to stick to teamfights, since he will be much weaker in that situation. Phase Rush makes this matchup much easier, since you have an easier time sticking to him. If he goes phase rush he is much harder to kill
Her waveclear is much weaker than her peak. You can go into her, and her root doesn't actually stop you from damaging her. Don't let her freely poke you without any recourse, or you will be behind the entire lane. Play this lane fairly aggressively, and you will have few issues. Don't let her waveclear and harrass you at the same time with her Q. Great gank assistance, so watch out for a jungler camp.
If you aren't able to snowball on him before he stacks enough armor, it can become impossible to 1v1 him. Your best bet with this matchup is fighting as much as possible early, and asking for jungle assistance so you can snowball on him so he doesn't have a chance to scale. This is a matchup where you can consider freezing. Be as aggressive as possible with denying him, and not letting get to his mid game powerspike dream.
Try to have spin up when engaging onto her, so you can dodge her ult. You are much stronger in any kind of 2v2 skirmish, so it would be wise to ask for jungle assistance in this matchup. Just focus on not getting poked down, and engage on her when she misuses her root.
Early levels you are stronger than him, and attempt to spin on him as much as possible. Don't stand near your minions that has his E on them, so he doesn't get free harrass onto you without committing. This matchup can be very hard if you play it passively, so make sure to engage before he can poke you down. Phase Rush Makes this matchup much easier, since he can't kite you.
This champion's early harrass is very strong, so don't stand in his fire without getting anything in return. Try to dodge the harpoons, and engage onto him when they are down if you aren't too low by that point. This matchup is all about playing around his cooldowns, so punish him whenever he uses them without efficacy. Will often rush Zhonyas into you, so be careful when trying to set up a dive against him.
Your ult counters his ult. Just don't get poked down too hard in the early levels, and by lvl 4 you should be able to all in him with even health. You win this matchup hard from lvl 6 onwards, but if you are going to pop your ult, you need to make sure you can kill him, because he can time his ult after yours, so you end up getting eaten after your ult duration is up.
He can poke you down fairly easily if you just let him. Don't let him get both parts of his empowered auto ability off on you, and try to engage on him when it's down. When you spin on him, immediately start moving between him and his tower, since he is going to place his gravity well under him. Phase Rush can be great in this matchup, since you don't get slowed by Gravity well, and have more than enough MS to keep up with him and kill him. Just don't get poked out before you are strong enough to do any of this. It's okay to give up some CS if needed.
Chogath has little he can do to stop you from running him down. Bait out his [[Rupture]] and he is a free kill. Very useful lane to try to freeze in, since he is very unsafe without a tower to protect him.
You can always win trade with him provided he doesn't hit stun and you don't let him get his passive off for free and run away from it. For Ekko to farm from range he pratically has to push the entire wave, and he can't control his pushing very well. you can use this to freeze on him and force a situation where you can run him down the lane. This matchup is much more free if you learn to freeze so you can deny him.
Jarvan IV
This champ can cheese you, but when he tries to use his Flag or Drag to harrass you, he has no method of escape, so it's a perfect time to all in him. This champion has decent gank assitance and snowballs well, so be aware of potential ganks
An immobile ADC who has little way to deal with you if you get on top of him. You can outsustain any poke he can reasonably throw out, and the later the game gets, the less chance he has to survive you spinning on top of him.
The second easiest matchup for Tryndamere. Pre 6 if he ever tries to go for CS you get a slow and either burn flash or kill him. The only way you lose this matchup is if he takes grasp and you let him trade with you freely to the point where you can't all in him. Expect a lot of jungler assistance for Kassadin in this matchup.
Kayle is one of the weakest early game champions in the game. If she ever goes too far to attempt to get a CS, punish her hard for it. You generally win this matchup even late game, since all of her massive amounts of damage don't bother you at all. Be careful of ganks, since junglers will attempt to baby her through the early game so she can wreck your team later. Be careful of lethal tempo kayle.
Either dodge her snare or spin through it and she is a free kill. She has 0 mobility, and no way to really stop you from killing her, since snares don't stop auto attacks
Malzahar is by far the easiest matchup for Tryndamere in the game. Your Mocking Shout pops his passive, and Tiamat auto clears all of the his voidlings. At level 6, you can always dive him even if he has ult up, no matter how high health he is.
Solo lane pyke is an interesting pick. He sacrifices lane hard and just gets mobis and roams around the map. He can also easily soak up harrass. Don't get pulled under tower for free, and attack him any time he every tries to even think about CSing.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is one of the freer matchups in the game, but you have to make sure to play aggressively. Often times you will end up zoning him, and he will try to CS with his cleaver. Consider body blocking CS and attempting to freeze to deny him further. If he does get ahead of you, consider an Executioners, but you generally don't need it if you are ahead or even.
You are one of Garen's hardest matchups. Try to trade with him as often as possible, and your W resets his passive healing if you hit the slow, so make sure he can't sit back and regen while you are freezing the wave on him. Attempt to deny him XP as much as possible, because Garen is going to play this lane fairly passive generally. If you let him Q and spin to disengage with you, he can win this matchup if you just let him do that.
This is another one of those facetanking matchups that is going to fight you head on. Try not to get your soul succ'd from your body, and trade with her when that is down. Make sure to keep ignite up for her ult, since she gains massive healing during that time period. always try to be aware of random tentacle damage, and try to kill the tentacles when you have a chance to.
Take Phase rush, and spin on top of her any time she gets close enough. If you force her to pop ult to try to save herself, she can't use it to help her team.
As it stands, this champion is very weak in general, and you should have no problems being able to kill him with ease. Try to walk up to him to engage, since his Q can stop your spin, and ruin any engage you attempt to start that way.
In this matchup, New morde is a complete stat check champion. You are either stronger than he is, or you aren't. You should win this most of the time if you are even, and it's fairly easy to gank him pre 6. Post 6, he is very hard to gank as he can just ult one person and make it a 1v1. Think about saving spin so you can dodge his pull, as that's his strongest ability.
He does have a lot of damage in all in's, and becomes stronger while lower just like you. Don't get poked down by his axes, and if he misses one, that is your window to go in for a fight. The way you lose this matchup is by getting poked down to the point where you can't win an engage. However, his ult makes him squishier, and doesn't do much against you, so you should be able to win this matchup even if you do get behind early, which is Olaf's strongest point.
Little singing girl is not a difficult matchup. Only thing you need to watch out for is her snare for ganks, but otherwise you can generally spin on her and trade easily. If needed, you can spin through the snare right before it hits you, and you effectively aren't CC'd as it happens during your spin.
Champion Build Guide
By GastlyLoL+Simple mechanical champion
+Great 1v1 potential
+Strong splitpusher
+Clears jungle quickly
+Early snowball potential
+Very safe in split.
+High raw damage output
+Can stay on map while low
-Diffucult to learn macro champ
-Low teamfight utility
-Easy to fall behind
-Hard to first pick(Only applies to top lane)
-Needs coordinated team
-Easy to counter with coordination
-Loses 1v1's late to certain champs
-Useless without ult
-Easily kiteable
-Easy to miss ult
Ultimately, the best way to get good at anything is to put games in. The more experience you have, the more you will be able to use it.
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