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Diana Build Guide by KamilostT

Assassin Mid Dominating Season 7

Assassin Mid Dominating Season 7

Updated on February 11, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KamilostT Build Guide By KamilostT 77,642 Views 0 Comments
77,642 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KamilostT Diana Build Guide By KamilostT Updated on February 11, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Big ol'meanie
This is a guide ForDiana Mid. She's Really good Assassin and i will help u carry :)
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Why Diana?

Diana is really good Champ with NUKE Damage, but no always first 1-6 level she is so weak and probably need to def and farm, but after.. You start dominating this lane. She's really good to roaming bot/top with her burst damage you can easily kill enemy adc and carry team.
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Pros / Cons

Great Dmg
Very good Initiator
Tank if she need
Really good Combo Q + R
Full Damage build without Magic resist and armor will be really hard in late
She has only to escapeLunar Rush and flash
Really bad damage to lvl 6
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This is your main combo. If ur Enemy wantflash you have to decide useLunar Rush or wait forCrescent strike and then useLunar Rush

I prefer use this combo on enemy with 1/2 hp or max 3/4 (max 100Mr 25min - 150Mr - Full build)

>>>This combo is to lvl 6 use it ONLY IF U HAVE TO FIGHT better farm to lvl 6 and then use Combo 1/2 :)
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Summoners skills

Flash - Always run this because this is really her only escape mechanic. Sadly Diana doesn't really have any escape mechanic which is a really big downfall of hers. She can use Q and her ult if you are near any minions or camp sites in the jungle to get away.
Ignite - Really good to end with ur enemy :)
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Take them to maximize your damage output.
You will need some Magic Penetration to counter their Magic Resistance.
You need to survive faster than
Really good vs AP midlaner on early
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Early game [1-6]

Really hard on this champ is Early game [to level 6] Without yourLunar rush you have only 1 combo with NO THE BEST DAMAGE and use it if u have to fight or ur jungler is coming
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Mid Game

After lvl 6 try to Kill ur enemy and Roaming top/bot and start ur combos to delete enemy :) Really good is if u take first gold for turret/kill
Ask ur jungler for blue because you really need it to roaming or farm.
If u do aram with team try initiate fights
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Late game

Start Initiate all fights with combo 1 +But do this if ur team follow u. Dont waste Zhonyi on fights 1v1 because it's really important. By the way if u have champion's like let him go first in then u
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My stats

My stats onDiana :)
W/L: 109/84
K/D/A 10.5/5.3/8.3
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KamilostT
KamilostT Diana Guide
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Mid Dominating Season 7

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