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Recommended Items
Runes: Aery Milio Default
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Standard E/W/Q
Fired Up! (PASSIVE)
Milio Passive Ability
Fired Up! (PASSIVE)
Milio Passive Ability
Fired Up! (PASSIVE)
Milio Passive Ability
Fired Up! (PASSIVE)
Milio Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Sona is generally considered a superior enchanter to Milio. Dealing with her can be challenging unless she makes mistakes. Her poke is safe, she neutralizes the matchup with a stronger immediate heal, and she scales better into mid and late game. It's advisable to ban her once you're familiar with all your matchups, especially in higher elo games.
In his prime a few patches ago, he was the top counter to Milio. Currently, despite being less picked, the matchup remains unchanged. He's exceptionally difficult to punish due to his W functioning like Master Yi's Q, making it challenging to peel him off your ADC with Q. His entire kit provides strong crowd control to keep his team on top of you, making it a nightmare for Milio. The only advantage is his low pick rate, but if he's chosen, focus on playing even and avoiding early game deaths.
Facing a durable engage matchup like Alistar is tough to punish unless he makes a mistake in his combo. Aery poke isn't effective against his passive sustain. Consider dodging if your team lacks frontline, especially with four squishy champions. Ideally, having two frontline champions makes dealing with Alistar more manageable for you. Guardian is best here.
Underestimating his roaming power is dangerous, but you can dominate the laning phase against Bard by dodging his Q. Avoid standing too close to your ADC or near walls to minimize his impact. Before Bard collects 35 chimes (meeps), play aggressively to assert lane dominance. Always respect his ultimate's range to avoid getting caught out in skirmishes.
Simply dodge Amumus Q or use your Q on his ADC. Only if Amumu is in the jungle instead of support, he becomes a far scarier threat.
Cheese picks often result in winning lanes for Milio. Simply avoiding Ashe's W or making strong trades with your ADC at levels 2 or 3 can secure prio in lane.
If you dodge Q, its actually not so bad. Their E and R are dangerous when used well but its all about positioning for this matchup. Respect their roams and NEVER ward alone if Blitz is missing.
Braum is difficult to punish in lane, but Milio can capitalize on any mistakes for good trades. His level 6 and 11 power spikes make him very dangerous in skirmishes, so avoid grouping too closely with your team. Never overextend for kills, as Braum excels at protecting his carries and punishing aggressors.
Roaming is Janna favoured and her lane trades do pack a punch but if you focus the adc, she actually loses most 2v2s. Milios shield is stronger then Jannas so make sure to use it proactively.
Hes mainly picked Jungle but im ranking him anyway. His ganks are fairly solid with his q reach and daisy knockup allows some nasty comps to really snowball out of control. The big thing to worry about is his shield. Iverns shield is statistically the strongest in the game meaning he will outpeel you and outdmg you in a teamfight. Respect that he is the strongest shielder and dont commit to fights unless you know you can win or help a teammate escape.
The poke is annoying and the cc even more so but hes just another mage support. gated by long cooldowns and mana costs, theres no real way you lose to Hwei as Milio. Hes much scarier as enemy mid since if he catches you, you are 100% dead and ur shields will do nothing to save you. Support wise, its a free lane.
one of the more aggressive enchanters. her poke rly hurts and she can punish ur positioning very well. make sure to hide behind minions to avoid her mantra q and respect her sticking power with w and e. if u overstep just once, a good Karma runs you down and kills you.
Q her E and Ult her Ult. Its rly that simple. You do have to flash if shes focusing you instead of ur adc but peeling her off urs is really easy once u get the hang of her animations.
The number 1 enchanter in terms of raw utility. Lulu champs diff a lot of her matchups and has a far easier time adapting to her teams needs. Be careful when trading against Lulu and instead look to target her adc. Her poke is similar to urs but its more immediate so stick to trading with ur adc using W instead of normal E auto.
Lux support is a free win. Milio does very well into mage supports overall. Dodge their poke and dominate the lane with better trading.
One of the few mage supports that actually give you a hard time. His zone control and aoe dmg is very annoying and becomes scary if he gets a lead going. Be VERY careful when laning against Brand. He is relentless with his trades and will kill you if he activates his 3 hit passive.
Same as Brand. Her zoning with plants and aoe dmg are scary stuff. Even if they're behind, Rylais proc from them and ur basically dead. Peel and play from almost a screen away. You can poke when their abilites are down but do be careful of their cooldowns.
Quickplay moment lol. Whoever pokes the adc wins.
Her CC is deadly but easy to manuerve. Avoid overextending in trades and make sure you have 1 e cast ready to juke her Q. Past level 6, dont let her ult you as it slows and binds allowing her to double bind.
Very annoying as shes hard to punish and goes even vs you without even trying. Focus on ur adc instead of her and you should be able to do well. Careful of her Ult range. its quite long and if hit, she can double knockup and keep you suspended until you die. Her W trading is like ur E trade but since its a heal, she wins. You do NOT.
He can miss everything but Ult and Auto attack flash. Either way you slice it, Nautilus WILL cc you. respect the multiple ways he can do so and fight in the middle of minions during laning. wait for him to cc someone else in a teamfight then walk up. if you can dodge his q, thats a very good sign and makes this matchup lot more bearable.
It was strong for a patch or 2 but its like Amumu where if u respect her CC, they cant do anything.
Low elo shenanigans with this mage supp. As long as your aware of her passive, Neeko can never beat you. Your q reveals her and breaks disguise so bait her into the range and punish hard.
Similar to Leona. He does good dmg but is still quite frail. Q his W and punish him hard in every trade. Dont ego for anything when hes level 6 as he will definitely look to ult low hp targets or just to roam in general.
Overextend and ur dead. Q her E but do NOT flash during her W. Let it finish before you cast F. that way you can escape. Also, avoid getting ulted mid teamfight. You need to be present throughout the skirmish so flash or E away to dodge the knockback.
Make 1 mistake and a good Pyke kills you. Dodging his Q is paramount to lane vs Pyke. His invisible roaming is very scary since you cant see him for most of the journey. Control Wards and Sweeper are great for lane and teamfighting. If he falls slightly behind, make sure he stays that way by peeling ur team and denying ult resets. You can Q his E and stop his Q but u have to be fast. Sometimes it can still go off and hook someone despite the knockback. If he gets a lead, respect his ult and play defensively. If you hate engage matchups, BAN THIS ONE. Guardian page and Wardstone 3rd is MANDATORY.
Rakan's mobility makes his roaming and engages dangerous. He's weak in trades early, so be aggressive in lane. In teamfights, react to his engages and prioritize supporting your team. Avoid getting caught by his ultimate's bounce effect. If paired with Xayah, expect a lost lane—aim to play for midgame and keep things even.
Q Rell's E and W abilities. She doesn't pose much threat to you in lane. However, unlike other engage champions, she can CC an entire team with her ultimate and then use Q to keep them in place. Cleanse her ultimate immediately and back off. A skilled Rell will likely focus your ADC, so consider baiting her into CCing you instead by walking forward.
Renata Glasc
The laning phase against Renata Glasc is manageable. Her poke is minimal and her CC is easy to dodge. Avoid standing too close to minions to prevent her Q from slowing you if she uses them. In teamfights, be wary of her W and Ult, as these abilities can completely turn the game around. They have the potential to bring a losing laner back into the game and should be respected accordingly. Prepare to flash out of Renata Ult in every teamfight against her so that you can remain active and peel.
She wins every trade because shes as marksman support. Avoid trading with her and focus her adc instead. If you can, try to q her when she picks up souls. Care for Sennas W as its range is deceptively long. It does good dmg and can snare you. Depending on the state of the game, that could be a death sentence or a lane conceding trade. Care for her ult when backing on low hp and aim to close out the game before she starts scaling too hard. if its 35 minutes and the games not over, Senna wins.
Seraphine trades weaker than Milio, and mana management is a significant weakness for her. Understand the range of her double E in lane and be cautious, as she can change the tide of a fight with a strong R after level 6. Her ultimate is very impactful.
If your ADC isn't careful, you'll lose. If they're smart, you'll dominate. It all hinges on your ADC respecting Shaco's tricks. Start with Sweeper and farm gold from his boxes.
Interrupt his E with your Q and avoid overextending in fights. His ultimate can save allies, so avoid committing too hard to kills unless your team has Serpent's Fang or a significant advantage. This advice applies universally for Top, Jgl and Supp.
Heal supports outtrade shield supports but struggle more in teamfights. Buy Oblivion Orb on your first back and play as usual. Know Soraka's Q range to avoid it and be cautious of her silence. You can use your ult when she does to match her healing, but save it if she's with allies who have hard crowd control.
Tahm Kench
He can kill you after level 3, especially from level 6 onward, regardless of his role. If Tahm Kench is farming bot lane, be cautious and focus on harassing the support instead.
Facing Thresh is tough because he does more than just hook people, and even going even can be considered a win for him. He scales infinitely with armor and AP, which isn't a big issue early but becomes problematic later. His ability to disengage with W and E, and facilitate ganks from afar so be on your toes. Approach Thresh like Senna— play for momentum. While not banworthy, it's a matchup worth practicing.
and last but not least, Yuumi. This is the 1 support that can go from being a tiny threat to an extreme one in the blink of an eye. laning vs her is fairly simple since ur dodging her q and trading hard onto her adc. Its moreso about her team. If she has a bruiser going even or slightly behind, Yuumi can ditch her adc and attach to them to start snowballing and rack up her items fast. Since she never buys boots, shes up 900 gold from you at every stage of the game if she hasnt died 3 times. You will have to hold q and sit on oblivion orb if this happens. Focus on peeling defensively and playing around her Best Friend. It becomes her game if things go in her favor so do NOT disrespect her peel and chasing ability. She can run down entire teams with the right partner. Punish her if she ever detaches since thats trolling on her part. If however shes rly bad and/or her laners arent doing well, she just suffers as you snowball and blow up her entire team.
I barely face this pick but if you do, care for the double bomb and his e slow late game. 1 mistep and ur dead. Consider Mikaels and look to roam often.
Aphelios is more ability based but ur passive applies to both abilites and autos so he gets full usage of it. Typical E max with W second but you could go Q for a stronger slow. It enables Aphelios to stick onto a target and burst them down more reliably. Laning phase is great if you push for 2 and trade hard. If vs engage, hold Q and play to peel.
Ashe is one of the best partners for Milio. She benefits greatly from your W, and her auto attacks synergize well with your abilities. Aim to put 3 points in E first to allow her to trade for longer in lane, then max W, E, and Q last. This setup optimizes your synergy and kiting potential.
Unsure since not released but will update once ive played with her.
Mid lane advice mainly but Akshan is a great midlaner to play around for Milio. He already overwhelms single targets with his own passive but with urs on top of it, he can never lose a skirmish. This is great when hes starting to pick a lead or has been farming well enough to start contributing to the team. If ur adc is underpeforming, look to play around Akshan in the midgame.
jungle advice but Milio and Bel'veth really get along. Its a joy to peel for them and enable their dmg in fights. Roaming for grubs when they're 6 and playing for drakes on spawn is greatly encouraged. You can snowball Bel'Veth out of control and the game is yours for the taking. Look out for objective timers and play around them when they gank or path towards a river pit.
Not as effecient as Bel'Veth but ur peel does wonders for Briar. She always hard commits due to the nature of her W so shielding her and giving her more range enables her to make quick work of her targets. IF ccd, ur ult is a lifesaver and u can disengage anyone trying to finish her off with q. Ur adc will probably take prio over her but if shes fed or needs a little help, be sure to roam and give her aid.
Another excellent ADC. Boasting even more range then Ashe but crit burst potential instead of on hit. This allows you to win trades more immediately and rack up an advantage. come late game and a collector IE cait with ur buffs is unironically one shotting all of the roster. its almost scary how 1 sided the game becomes when u2 do well. 3 points in E then Max W/E/Q
Solid duo. He benefits greatly from everything you do. Meta revolves around him. Max E/W/Q
Really good pairing surpringisly. A good Draven is a joy to play with but you do have to put in the effort to get him ahead. Max E/W/Q
Personally, i hate playing with Ezreal but a good one can carry a team if kept alive. It is really dependent on the skill of the Ezreal since its a skillshot champion. If theyre playing awfully, look to roam and play for others in ur team. Max E/Q/W
Not ideal per se but definitely strong. Usually Mid but can be played APC. Ur passive is easily applied by Hwei and a good one can milk it with a full combo. Ur peel helps a LOT in keeping him alive and active in a teamfight. Max E/W/Q if APC
Usually enchanters dont do well with Jhin due to his unique kit but u can enable a good trade with E and W. Not the best pairing but not the worst either. Max E/W/Q
another lover of ur W. the laning phase is dependent on ur poke but mid game is where you 2 REALLY shine. 3 points in E then Max W/E/Q
a hypercarry thats self peeable. u compliment her laning and can run down mispositioning with W. 3 points in E then Max W/E/Q
very weird pairing but at least its an auto centric adc. play to punish mispositioning and enable her to stack her autos on 1 target to kill with her E. Max W/E/Q. Dont bother with 3 points in E since u both need to keep autoing.
Keep her alive post 6 if she rotates to a teamfight. Once 16, save ur W for her and watch as she decimate the enemy team.
max w immediately then E/Q. u play this just like Lulu does. W when he wants to trade and E to keep him on top of a target or to peel off of. You need to create space for Kog which Milio is great at. You can rush Ardent aswell if ur ahead and confident.
the new Lucian/Nami duo but better. His passive syncs perfectly with yours and u can pretty much 2v2 at any point in the game. by far Milios best pairing so lock it in every time. Max E/W/Q
Miss Fortune
she likes cc supports more but ur W gets good value in her trades. Still E/W/Q max but play to peel for her and she can generate a solid lead and carry games.
Her passive amplifies your healing and shielding. Your W gives her range which is amazing when maximised to its potential. E giving movement speed lets her chase down targets to dash ult or get away and reposition. Her ult even heals you so you can get close to her in fights and keep ur ult for any hard cc coming ur way. all in all, Nilah and Milio when played well are unstoppable. 3 points in W then E/W/Q max.
its not trolling but its pretty damn cucked for both of you. You barely apply her passive with Q, ur W is kinda w/e since she barely autos and ur E is pretty much the only good tool you have for Samira. Ur passive dmg is negligible but the mobility and shield u provide with E lets her get by in lane and help catch ppl in skirmishes. Ult is also great value vs hard cc but its more reactionary if anything. Max E/Q/W with 3 points in Q to get a stronger slow.
Senna ADC needs a tanky support to do her thing. She barely does dmg early game so ur kinda stuck 1v2ing for most of the laning phase. id dodge or just pick something else instead of Milio here.
Decent APC. Your W is whatever but since it applies passive and refreshes SOFW, you can enable Seraphine to do a lot of dmg. Shes naturally a safe laner and has good poke so you can choose to go even or aggressive in lane. Max E/Q/W with 1 point in W at level 3.
Ok pairing. Sivir likes ur kit but takes a while to make usage of it. After her 1st item and Bersekers, she can start fighting strong with ur W. Aim of the game is to play for your jungler and go even as the bare minimum. if you do that, u should win 100% of the time.
My personal favourite adc to play Milio with. Play for him to get 25 stacks then recall. Next part will chipping minions down to let him aoe kill them. Ur passive is easily applied by his Q, W is great for getting in auto trades and he has self peel with his E. Your Q disengage is perfect for Smolder to stay alive. once he gets 125 stacks, you can rly pack a punch with 1 trade in a skirmish and out right run down teams. 225 stacks is a PENTA with you. Max E/W/Q
her short burst patterns are pretty damn good the added range from W helps for early game. go 3 points W with Aery default. She will want to push often so make sure you commit with her and rotate to places together. Never leave Tristana alone unless shes insanely fed and u can save another teammate.
the number 1 lover of your W. W and ur ult gives him absurd levels of range and kiting potential. He can perform some nasty flanks everytime u buff him. Survive the lane and make sure you rush Ardent 3rd. Aery Default with 3 points E to get through lane. if you went even, its literally gg. he will pentakill the entire game away.
Varus prefers CC but once he slows with E, you can enable his short bursting windows and net some early game kills or peel rly hard in a 2v2 and come out with a double kill even if you die. Go Aery default with 3 points E.
her laning sucks but Vayne is an absolute beast if you let her farm and dont feed any kills. once you get Helia and she at least has Botrk or Berserkers, she can hard all in in fights and trade 2 kills before dying. She can start snowballing and is honestly the only person you should be playing for in your game.
W everytime she lands an auto with her W and she can run down pretty much anyone in the game. Her early game is somewhat but keep her alive and last hit cannons for her to reach her spikes faster. You can start 2v2ing once she has beserkers or Kraken if she went footwear in runes. Aery Default page with 3 points W.
Not the best but your Q enables his ult and ur peel when timed correctly can make or break this lane. His windwall allows some breathing room for trading. Might want to go Glacial or Guardian.
rly weak in lane and needs botrk to start killing ppl. he will just delay ur spikes if chosen bot so dodge. If picked mid or top and is even/ahead, placing W on him every time Yone uses E is great as it allows him to chase ppl down very easily with more auto attack range.
Zeri with ur peel is basically unstoppable. Milio gives her a good lane to farm in and come level 6, you have the perfect peeling tools to allow Zeri to run ppl down during her ult. go 3 points in W with Aery Default.
Not a bad APC but requires the person playing it to position well. Your early game is based on surviving the lane as you dont rly have opportunities to trade hard and will be shoved in most of the time. Look to roam for grubs when it spawns after backing and just playing for jungle.
Aphelios is more ability based but ur passive applies to both abilites and autos so he gets full usage of it. Typical E max with W second but you could go Q for a stronger slow. It enables Aphelios to stick onto a target and burst them down more reliably. Laning phase is great if you push for 2 and trade hard. If vs engage, hold Q and play to peel.
Ashe is one of the best partners for Milio. She benefits greatly from your W, and her auto attacks synergize well with your abilities. Aim to put 3 points in E first to allow her to trade for longer in lane, then max W, E, and Q last. This setup optimizes your synergy and kiting potential.
Unsure since not released but will update once ive played with her.
Mid lane advice mainly but Akshan is a great midlaner to play around for Milio. He already overwhelms single targets with his own passive but with urs on top of it, he can never lose a skirmish. This is great when hes starting to pick a lead or has been farming well enough to start contributing to the team. If ur adc is underpeforming, look to play around Akshan in the midgame.
jungle advice but Milio and Bel'veth really get along. Its a joy to peel for them and enable their dmg in fights. Roaming for grubs when they're 6 and playing for drakes on spawn is greatly encouraged. You can snowball Bel'Veth out of control and the game is yours for the taking. Look out for objective timers and play around them when they gank or path towards a river pit.
Not as effecient as Bel'Veth but ur peel does wonders for Briar. She always hard commits due to the nature of her W so shielding her and giving her more range enables her to make quick work of her targets. IF ccd, ur ult is a lifesaver and u can disengage anyone trying to finish her off with q. Ur adc will probably take prio over her but if shes fed or needs a little help, be sure to roam and give her aid.
Another excellent ADC. Boasting even more range then Ashe but crit burst potential instead of on hit. This allows you to win trades more immediately and rack up an advantage. come late game and a collector IE cait with ur buffs is unironically one shotting all of the roster. its almost scary how 1 sided the game becomes when u2 do well. 3 points in E then Max W/E/Q
Solid duo. He benefits greatly from everything you do. Meta revolves around him. Max E/W/Q
Really good pairing surpringisly. A good Draven is a joy to play with but you do have to put in the effort to get him ahead. Max E/W/Q
Personally, i hate playing with Ezreal but a good one can carry a team if kept alive. It is really dependent on the skill of the Ezreal since its a skillshot champion. If theyre playing awfully, look to roam and play for others in ur team. Max E/Q/W
Not ideal per se but definitely strong. Usually Mid but can be played APC. Ur passive is easily applied by Hwei and a good one can milk it with a full combo. Ur peel helps a LOT in keeping him alive and active in a teamfight. Max E/W/Q if APC
Usually enchanters dont do well with Jhin due to his unique kit but u can enable a good trade with E and W. Not the best pairing but not the worst either. Max E/W/Q
another lover of ur W. the laning phase is dependent on ur poke but mid game is where you 2 REALLY shine. 3 points in E then Max W/E/Q
a hypercarry thats self peeable. u compliment her laning and can run down mispositioning with W. 3 points in E then Max W/E/Q
very weird pairing but at least its an auto centric adc. play to punish mispositioning and enable her to stack her autos on 1 target to kill with her E. Max W/E/Q. Dont bother with 3 points in E since u both need to keep autoing.
Keep her alive post 6 if she rotates to a teamfight. Once 16, save ur W for her and watch as she decimate the enemy team.
max w immediately then E/Q. u play this just like Lulu does. W when he wants to trade and E to keep him on top of a target or to peel off of. You need to create space for Kog which Milio is great at. You can rush Ardent aswell if ur ahead and confident.
the new Lucian/Nami duo but better. His passive syncs perfectly with yours and u can pretty much 2v2 at any point in the game. by far Milios best pairing so lock it in every time. Max E/W/Q
Miss Fortune
she likes cc supports more but ur W gets good value in her trades. Still E/W/Q max but play to peel for her and she can generate a solid lead and carry games.
Her passive amplifies your healing and shielding. Your W gives her range which is amazing when maximised to its potential. E giving movement speed lets her chase down targets to dash ult or get away and reposition. Her ult even heals you so you can get close to her in fights and keep ur ult for any hard cc coming ur way. all in all, Nilah and Milio when played well are unstoppable. 3 points in W then E/W/Q max.
its not trolling but its pretty damn cucked for both of you. You barely apply her passive with Q, ur W is kinda w/e since she barely autos and ur E is pretty much the only good tool you have for Samira. Ur passive dmg is negligible but the mobility and shield u provide with E lets her get by in lane and help catch ppl in skirmishes. Ult is also great value vs hard cc but its more reactionary if anything. Max E/Q/W with 3 points in Q to get a stronger slow.
Senna ADC needs a tanky support to do her thing. She barely does dmg early game so ur kinda stuck 1v2ing for most of the laning phase. id dodge or just pick something else instead of Milio here.
Decent APC. Your W is whatever but since it applies passive and refreshes SOFW, you can enable Seraphine to do a lot of dmg. Shes naturally a safe laner and has good poke so you can choose to go even or aggressive in lane. Max E/Q/W with 1 point in W at level 3.
Ok pairing. Sivir likes ur kit but takes a while to make usage of it. After her 1st item and Bersekers, she can start fighting strong with ur W. Aim of the game is to play for your jungler and go even as the bare minimum. if you do that, u should win 100% of the time.
My personal favourite adc to play Milio with. Play for him to get 25 stacks then recall. Next part will chipping minions down to let him aoe kill them. Ur passive is easily applied by his Q, W is great for getting in auto trades and he has self peel with his E. Your Q disengage is perfect for Smolder to stay alive. once he gets 125 stacks, you can rly pack a punch with 1 trade in a skirmish and out right run down teams. 225 stacks is a PENTA with you. Max E/W/Q
her short burst patterns are pretty damn good the added range from W helps for early game. go 3 points W with Aery default. She will want to push often so make sure you commit with her and rotate to places together. Never leave Tristana alone unless shes insanely fed and u can save another teammate.
the number 1 lover of your W. W and ur ult gives him absurd levels of range and kiting potential. He can perform some nasty flanks everytime u buff him. Survive the lane and make sure you rush Ardent 3rd. Aery Default with 3 points E to get through lane. if you went even, its literally gg. he will pentakill the entire game away.
Varus prefers CC but once he slows with E, you can enable his short bursting windows and net some early game kills or peel rly hard in a 2v2 and come out with a double kill even if you die. Go Aery default with 3 points E.
her laning sucks but Vayne is an absolute beast if you let her farm and dont feed any kills. once you get Helia and she at least has Botrk or Berserkers, she can hard all in in fights and trade 2 kills before dying. She can start snowballing and is honestly the only person you should be playing for in your game.
W everytime she lands an auto with her W and she can run down pretty much anyone in the game. Her early game is somewhat but keep her alive and last hit cannons for her to reach her spikes faster. You can start 2v2ing once she has beserkers or Kraken if she went footwear in runes. Aery Default page with 3 points W.
Not the best but your Q enables his ult and ur peel when timed correctly can make or break this lane. His windwall allows some breathing room for trading. Might want to go Glacial or Guardian.
rly weak in lane and needs botrk to start killing ppl. he will just delay ur spikes if chosen bot so dodge. If picked mid or top and is even/ahead, placing W on him every time Yone uses E is great as it allows him to chase ppl down very easily with more auto attack range.
Zeri with ur peel is basically unstoppable. Milio gives her a good lane to farm in and come level 6, you have the perfect peeling tools to allow Zeri to run ppl down during her ult. go 3 points in W with Aery Default.
Not a bad APC but requires the person playing it to position well. Your early game is based on surviving the lane as you dont rly have opportunities to trade hard and will be shoved in most of the time. Look to roam for grubs when it spawns after backing and just playing for jungle.
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