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A: An ADC is a role where a character can output the most damage in little time with their autoattacks.
Miss Fortune's Passive is Strut.
Miss Fortune gains an additional 25 movement speed after not taking any damage for 5 seconds, increasing thereafter for 5 seconds until reaching 70 bonus movement speed. Miss Fortune's 1st Ability is Double Up.
Miss Fortune fires a shot at an enemy target, dealing physical damage and 120% of that damage to another enemy target behind the first within 500 range. Both hits apply on-hit effects. Miss Fortune's 2nd Ability is Impure Shots.
Passive:Miss Fortune's autoattacks deal extra magic damage on-hit. This damage cumulatively stacks up to 4 times on the same target if no more than 5 seconds pass between each hit.
Active: Miss Fortune's attack speed is increased for 6 seconds and causes her attacks to lower healing received and health regeneration by the target by 50% for 3 seconds. Miss Fortune's 3rd Ability is Make it Rain.
Miss Fortune fires hundreds of bullets into the air which rain down at target 100-radius area after 0.5 seconds delay. The area lasts for 2 seconds, slowing and dealing magic damage every quarter of a second to each enemy that stands in it. Slow lasts 1 second after leaving the area. Miss Fortune's Ultimate Ability is Bullet Time.
Miss Fortune channels for 2 seconds to fire a wave of bullets in a cone in front of her every quarter of a second. She fires 8 waves in total and each wave will deal physical damage to all enemies caught in the area.
Miss Fortune gains an additional 25 movement speed after not taking any damage for 5 seconds, increasing thereafter for 5 seconds until reaching 70 bonus movement speed. Miss Fortune's 1st Ability is Double Up.
Miss Fortune fires a shot at an enemy target, dealing physical damage and 120% of that damage to another enemy target behind the first within 500 range. Both hits apply on-hit effects. Miss Fortune's 2nd Ability is Impure Shots.
Passive:Miss Fortune's autoattacks deal extra magic damage on-hit. This damage cumulatively stacks up to 4 times on the same target if no more than 5 seconds pass between each hit.
Active: Miss Fortune's attack speed is increased for 6 seconds and causes her attacks to lower healing received and health regeneration by the target by 50% for 3 seconds. Miss Fortune's 3rd Ability is Make it Rain.
Miss Fortune fires hundreds of bullets into the air which rain down at target 100-radius area after 0.5 seconds delay. The area lasts for 2 seconds, slowing and dealing magic damage every quarter of a second to each enemy that stands in it. Slow lasts 1 second after leaving the area. Miss Fortune's Ultimate Ability is Bullet Time.
Miss Fortune channels for 2 seconds to fire a wave of bullets in a cone in front of her every quarter of a second. She fires 8 waves in total and each wave will deal physical damage to all enemies caught in the area.
Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
These are the preferred runes when playing Miss Fortune.
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
These are the preferred runes when playing Miss Fortune.
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