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Rengar Build Guide by YumScrumptious96

Assassin More Jungle Than Vietnam

Assassin More Jungle Than Vietnam

Updated on March 9, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YumScrumptious96 Build Guide By YumScrumptious96 2,094 Views 0 Comments
2,094 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YumScrumptious96 Rengar Build Guide By YumScrumptious96 Updated on March 9, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hello, my name is YumScrumptious96, currently at the bottom after 4-6 placements. I am not an extremely strong player but I know how to play Rengar in my ELO. Rengar is a highly mobile assassin jungler with great damage at all stages, but he falls off during the late game and can be shut down hard if not played well. This is how I like to play Rengar, and with it I regularly rack up +20 kills each game with much less deaths.
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Rengar is a good jungler who benefits from defensive and AD runes. To start you want for marks to be Greater Mark of Attack Damage, 9 of these. Glyphs will be 2 glyphs of Cooldown Reduction and 7 of Magic Resist. Seals will be 9 of Greater Armor. Lastly your Quintessences will just be 3 AD ones.
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With Rengar you want the highest damage possible at the beginning to late. I like Stalker's Blade with Warrior enchant for the straight damage, CDR and chilling smite bonus for extra stickiness. Youmu's Ghostblade is your next best item as it gives more damage, CDR, Armor penetration and the active bonus of movement speed and attack speed. Duskblade or Hydra will fit nicely with your game if you are ahead, as both deal massive damage with their passives and has bonuses besides these. Boots of Mobility or Swiftness are gonna be good to build quickly, I prefer Swiftness because they give a good bonus all the time, whereas most of the time with Mobility boots you won't have the +125 MS because you've just been fighting and need to chase someone down. Lastly GA or Dead Mans works well depending on how the game is going, GA gives you an extra chance to kill that squishy and Dead Mans gives you the chance to survive being locked down before you can use ult.
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Pros / Cons


High Damage
Ult provides best ganking ability in the game
Bonus from killing enemies, something easy to obtain
Great stickiness
Can take out squishies in fights quickly

Can't carry well late-game
Can be shut down hard
Passive isn't always useful
Glass cannon style build path
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Skill Sequence

Level up Q at levels 1,4,5,7,9. W is your second ability and provides sustain, levels 2,8,10,12,13. E can sometimes be exchanged with W depending on the game, level at 3,14,15,17,18. As always level up ultimate at 6,11,16.
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Always run Smite as its the spell necessary for jungling. Flash is my personal favourite for secondary as it gives good escape when you have no ult available or can get you that gap close to kill a target.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YumScrumptious96
YumScrumptious96 Rengar Guide
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More Jungle Than Vietnam

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