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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10 Adaptive (6 AD or 10 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)
Ability Order Standard
Soul Siphon (PASSIVE)
Morgana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello, I'm Main Got Nerfed and I used Morgana to climb to plat in flex so I'm going to teach you how you can use Morgana to climb too! (Season 8)
Pros and Cons
VERY easy to farm with.
Great assisting with ganks!
Safe with black shield
Good pick potential
Low Auto-Attack range
Can be difficult to land Q against ranged opponents.
No mobility spells. Kinda slow in general.

When should I build
Zhonya's Hourglass?
Generally speaking, you should be building this item against assassins like
Talon, etc. You can also build this item against one shot mages like
Syndra but it's less effective of a purchase because it gives armour, not magic resistance. Even if the enemy doesn't have any of those threats, this item is still a good purchase because it lets you flash -> R
Soul Shackles.
When should I build
Void Staff?
According to the lolwiki, void staff is only gold efficient against an opponent who has 90 magic resistance or more. This means against tanks or sometimes fighters like
When should I build
When then fed enemy has healing abilities or has purchased life steal items. Like a Fiora with Ravenous Hydra or an enemy Draven with Bloodthirster. Always build this against
Vladimir and
Dr. Mundo.

Generally speaking, you should be building this item against assassins like

When should I build

According to the lolwiki, void staff is only gold efficient against an opponent who has 90 magic resistance or more. This means against tanks or sometimes fighters like

When should I build

When then fed enemy has healing abilities or has purchased life steal items. Like a Fiora with Ravenous Hydra or an enemy Draven with Bloodthirster. Always build this against

Play style in lane
Morgana gets much stronger once she has a couple items under her belt. Therefore, in the early game our main objective is just to push waves in, recall, repeat. This becomes increasingly easy since your level 3 W
Tormented Shadow can kill caster minions with a single cast (with a little AP)
You should be shoving waves in with ease. The reason it's good to constantly push waves in, is so that the enemy mid laner never gets a chance to roam. If you farm under tower, the enemy mid will most likely roam bot and get fed. Shove shove shove!

You should be shoving waves in with ease. The reason it's good to constantly push waves in, is so that the enemy mid laner never gets a chance to roam. If you farm under tower, the enemy mid will most likely roam bot and get fed. Shove shove shove!
Play style out of lane
You should be grouping with your team because Morgana is not a good split pusher. Landing a
Dark Binding on any enemy will likely lead to a fight or in the very least, a kill.
Also, you can farm the raptor camp quite effectively with your
Tormented Shadow assuming you have some AP items finished. A single W can take out the little chickens, so just finish off the big one with a Q. If you feel safe enough, steal the enemies raptor camp!!

Also, you can farm the raptor camp quite effectively with your

I hope you learned a thing or two from this guide! If you have any questions or comments, leave them below and I'll try to get to them as soon as I can.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for reading.
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