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Morgana Build Guide by Ryukossei

Morgana The Invensible One

Morgana The Invensible One

Updated on September 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ryukossei Build Guide By Ryukossei 2,608 Views 0 Comments
2,608 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ryukossei Morgana Build Guide By Ryukossei Updated on September 11, 2011
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So this is my Morgana's Guide i hope it will help you guys has it help me :P.

Morgana is an awesome speller, late game she becomes more like a support, shes awesome vs squishy champs and in a team fight thank you riot for that ulti xD.
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Ok, runes, lets see,

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x9
Greater Seal of Ability Power x9
Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration x9
Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration x3

I use these runes only because Morgana's Tormented Shadow, magic penetration helps a lot if we look closer morganas soil give's magic reduction per stack, so lets add some more dmg with penetraction shall we ;P
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At the masteries i try to get the max mp reg i can get and cooldown, shes a speller she needs cooldown a bit, with these masteries i dont need to buy equips with cooldown like morellos making it useless for me, and mana reg because morgana use a lot of mana, even with the update she use less mana but still she consume a lot.
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First Dorans Ring (like no one knows that <,<'), and then an item that in my opinion will make morgana op in the begining :P, yes, Hextech Revolver, just think like this, 15% spell vamp from passive + 15% spell vamp from revolver at the begining, i can tell you guys i can tank minions and stay the same, and you will never need to use pots just use the Tormented Shadow in the minions :P

Then i buy Giant's Belt to get some hp and finish Rylai's, to give some slow to support team and to run if i need to.

My build is not a full of ap, and i will explain why, morgana is not a champ that will kill anyone with 1 burst of her skills like LeBlanc, only squishys die like that, that's why i try to get hp and spell vamp as soon as possible.

[Zhonya's Hourglass] its the best item for morgana at mid and late game, with it you can use your ulti and survive to see it finish and gives you some resist against melee dps champ's.
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Skill Sequence

Well its not difficult to figure it out isnt it? xD

Dark Binding >>> Tormented Shadow >>> Soul Shackles >>> Black Shield >>> Dark Binding
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Well ppl, if you guys have any doubt about this build i can tell you guys, usually i die once or twice per game, normally i get scores like these 12/1/19 ; 18/0/10 :P

So enjoy this build, rate it and comment :P
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ryukossei
Ryukossei Morgana Guide
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Morgana The Invensible One

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