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Stand behind minions to avoid poke from her W and avoid her stun once she hits level 6, aside from that just farm and you'll out-scale her.
Hard-counters you, she can poke you with her range and the damage on her passive(which can be triggered manually by her W and E) prevent you from farming just try to out-scale her or if it's draft ban her.
Avoid trading with him early and farm, only engage if your jungler goes in for a gank or your support catches him out with CC like bard or thresh.
Stand behind minions when he tries to go in and poke him down but make sure not to chase him or he will easily poke you down.
He'll be able to poke you from out of your range but you can sneak up on him when he ults and kill him while he can't fight back.
Poke her as often as possible and deny her CS so she can't scale into late-game because if she does she will melt both your team and towers.
She Can easily out-damage you and out-poke you so just focus on farming but be careful of her ult as it will give her a shield and a dash if you have a stack of plasma.
Focus on farming as late-game she won't be able To out-damage you remember that her W's active can see you while your using your Q.
Deny him as much CS as you can so he doesn't get ahead. like you he's a late-game hyper-carry but he has less range than you so abuse that and poke him whenever he tries to farm or engage.
When he triggers his passive he will almost always try to go in and poke so take advantage of this and poke him with your AA+E combo and slow him with your W is necessary.
Miss Fortune
She has absurd damage so just try to farm and only poke her when she tries to go in, aside from that late-game you out-scale her so just avoid her ult.
Her wave-clear and range are annoying but you can poke and or kill her easily if she tries to go in to poke but remember to bait out her E before using your E.
If she uses her E and you back away until it explodes, when she tries to tower dive with her W you can throw your W to where she will land to slow her forcing her to take more tower shots and gaining stacks for your Passive+E combo.
Skill based, the better twitch will win.
He has lots of range on his AA's and Q so he will constantly be trying to poke you down however you do out-scale him so you can easily kill him late-game just be careful of engaging while his ult is up as it can root you even when your using your Q.
You can easily poke and out-trade her with your AA+E combo. So AA her when she comes to farm, avoid standing in front of walls and avoid long trades.
Skill based, avoid standing between her and her feathers so she can't root you aside from that just farm because you out-scale her late game.
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